Captain Jack Sparrow x Reader

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Imagine: Sword fighting Davy Jones and the crew of the Flying Dutchman and Black Pearl watching


You saw the Flying Dutchman get closer with every wave. Rain pouring down on you harder with every gust of wind.

     Earlier that day everything seemed perfect, the sun was shining while you were doing your duties on the deck while Jack sailed the Black Pearl. You and Jack had been friends for a long time, you had both been crewmates on several different ships as teenagers before he finally became captain of the Black Pearl. When you were younger you thought the two of you might've had something more but after being dragged off as a wingman for Jack to pick up other women at brothels for years, you almost gave up hope. That was until now.

     The Flying Dutchman's crew had thrown cables onto the Pearl's deck and were already beginning to board. You felt a presence behind you and as you turned around you saw him; Davy Jones. His tentacles were swirling in all kinds of different directions and you couldn't help but visibly cringe at the sight.

     If you hadn't grown up with Jack as your best friend you might've been terrified of the pirate in front of you but you knew better. "How's life treating you Davy boy?" You smiled. Jones snarled and ordered his crew members to attack. You pulled out your sword and swung at a few of his men. You saw Jack jump from the wheel and get into the action.

     Together, and with help of your crew, you were able to knock down more than half of the crew. That was until Jones grabbed Elizabeth and held his sword to her throat. You weren't a huge fan of Elizabeth, you knew there was some unspoken thing going on with her and Jack but she was nice so you couldn't even hate her. But that wasn't the point right now.

      "Oi! Fish face! I wouldn't do that if I were you mate." Jack said. "And why is that?" Davy responded. Jack looked at you, "What?" You asked confused. Jack pointed his head towards Elizabeth and you knew he probably wanted you to come up with the excuse this time.

     "Oh! Yea for sure, you definitely don't want to do that." "Because...?" Jack intervened. "B-because she knows!" Are you kidding Y/n? beCausE sHe knOwS? Oh my lord get your head in the game! "Knows what?" Davy asked. "Where it's hidden!" Jack tried to convince him. "Where what's hidden?" Pintel asked. "Shh!" You shushed him. "Oh forget this," Davy exclaimed.

     He dropped Elizabeth and raised his weapon at Jack who had lost his sword during the battle. He was about to swing when you blocked his sword. Everyone gasped. True, it wasn't that big of a deal but Davy Jones was a serious fighter. He took a step back and chuckled, seawater spilling from his mouth. "Are you, challenging me?" You paused and looked at Jack. He was never one for sentiment but you could see something in his eyes that told you he didn't want you to. You turned back to Jones, "I am."

     "Y/n don't!" Elizabeth pleaded but you ignored her. The crew members from each ship backed away and stood in an attempted circle around the deck of the ship. You shook Davy's hand, well... tentacle, and took your stance. You raised your sword and swung.

     He blocked, you pushed, he swung, you ducked. It was horrific, scary, and fun. You had so much adrenaline and you felt like you could do this for hours. You had chased him up the stairs where the wheel was and battled some more. He managed to get you trapped between the railing overlooking the sea but you jumped off the ledge, caught a rope connecting the two ships, and swung back to the now terribly made circle of crew members.

     You looked at Jack as he smirked and looked you up and down. You had a huge smile plastered on your face and could still feel your blood pumping. That was until you felt something sharp dig into your left calf. You fell onto your knees and cried out, not in pain but anger.

     Davy Jones had teleported out from the wooden sail pole that was behind you. He walked in front of you and raised his arms in praise while his crew applauded him. You picked up your sword and got back into position while his back was still turned towards you. "Oh no, you shouldn't have done that mate." Ragetti noticed your angry state once the cheering died down. "What?" Jones whirled around and as he did so you cut off a tentacle.

     You swung, another tentacle, you swung, another one discarded on the deck of the ship until he was pinned between the steps and your tentacle, gut slimed sword. Your teeth were clenched and your sword was about to chop his whole head off until he shouted, "Alright!" You let up.

     You threw your sword on the ground and walked over to Jack and practically collapsed in his arms. All that adrenaline you seemed to have ten seconds ago had vanished and Jack stumbled to keep you both upright. He lifted your chin with his finger, smirked, and said, "I knew I taught you well." You smirked back faintly. "No, that was definitely all me." You retorted. That's when it happened, you both kissed.

It was everything you wanted and more. You could feel Elizabeth's anger radiating off of her and as mean as it sounds, you loved it. Finally, the tables were turned. Just as it was getting super heated, Pintel cleared his throat and you pulled away from Jack. That's when you noticed that everyone was staring at you. Your face turned the reddest it had ever been and Jack smirked even more, if that was possible.

Davy's crew got back on board the Flying Dutchman and Jones came up to me. "Until next time Y/n." "Oh? Ready for a second round of getting your ass kicked?" You smiled. "We'll see about that." And he teleported from the wood of the Black Pearl to the Flying Dutchman. Jack grabbed onto your waist and pulled you closer to him, looked around at the crew, and shouted, "Oi! Back to work you scoundrels!" You knew that the rest of your days with Captain Jack Sparrow would be the best moments of your life.

The end

This concept has been in my mind for MONTHS and if you're all interested, I'd love to write a full book about this OC because I have an idea for Captain Jack Sparrow and a few other affairs within the potc franchise 😳 so let me know what y'all think about that! 🤠

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