Tarrant Hightopp/Mad Hatter x Reader

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    Imagine: Alice's return to Wonderland


You were sleeping next to Tarrant at the table when you were awoken by Mallymkun yawning. You rubbed your eyes and looked at your husband of two years. However, his attention was directed in front of him. That's when you saw her. Your best friend, (besides the mad man beside you of course.) Alice was back!

Tarrant had the brightest smile on his face and jumped up onto the table and you picked up your teacup to keep it from getting smushed beneath his scrambling feet. When Hatter had made it to the end of the long table he hopped down and kneeled to reach Alice's small height. Funny, you didn't remember her being that small last time she was here, but that had been years ago.

"It's you!" Hatter said with that adorable lisp that made your heart soar every time he spoke. "No, it's not! McTwisp brought us the wrong Alice!" Mallymkun squeaked. You furrowed your eyebrows and got a better look at the so-called imposter Alice. "It's the wrong Alice?!" The March Hare grabbed his ears and pulled them down. After studying her for a moment more you concluded that there was no way that wasn't the right Alice.

"It's absolutely Alice! You're absolutely Alice I'd know you anywhere, " Hatter looked back at you and declared, "I'd know her anywhere!" You smiled in agreement with him while the others laughed.

"Well, as you can see we're still having tea!" Tarrant snatched up Alice by the arm and walked her back to his seat. "And it's all because I was obliged to kill Time waiting for your return! You're terribly late you know, naughty." Hatter looked at you and smiled.

"Well anyway, Time became quite offended and stopped altogether, " At that moment The Cheshire Cat appeared at the end of the table with his teacup in hand, or... paw. "Not a tick ever since!" Hatter finished. You moved out of your chair and offered it to Alice which she sat in giving you a warm smile. You, in return sat behind Hatter's chair and placed your hands on his shoulders.

"Time can be funny in dreams." "Yes of course but now you're back you see! And it's time to get on to the Frabjous Day!" McTwisp and the Hare shouted, "Frabjous Day!" Hatter turned to Alice, "I'm investigating things that begin with the letter "M." You and Hatter leaned even closer to her while he whispered, "Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?" After no response, you all mumbled, "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!" "What?" Alice asked confused. "Down with the Bloody Big Head the Bloody Big Head being the red queen,"  Chessure responded.

"Come, come, we simply commence with the slaying and such," Hatter announced. "Therefore it is high time to forgive and forget-" "Or forget and forgive whichever comes first." You reminded your husband. "Or is in any case, most convenient." You pulled Hatter's pocket watch from his jacket and opened it up for the two of you to read it. "We're waiting." Hatter spoke for the both of you.

"All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea." Chessure groaned out playing with the table cloth. Oh no. This would surely upset Hatter. "Ah, the entire world is falling to ruin, and poor Chessur's of his tea." You slightly gripped Hatter's shoulders after feeling him tense up after every word. "What happened that day was not my fault."

Tarrant inhaled sharply. You knew you had to think of something fast to deescalate the situation. Hatter pushed your hands off of his shoulders and stood. "You ran out on them to save your own skin." You walked behind Hatter ready to help him when needed. "You guddler's scuttish pilgar lickering shukm juggling sluking urpal." You got between him and Chessure and faced Hatter. "BAR LOM MUCK EGG BRIMNI-" You cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him deeply. After a millisecond you could feel him calm down and kiss back.

You both pulled away slowly. You looked into Hatter's beautiful big green eyes. "Thank you." He said with sincerity. "Tarrant are you okay?" You asked him worriedly. "I'm fine." He croaked.

"What's wrong with you Tarrant, you used to be the life of the party. You used to do the best Futterwacken in all of Witzend." Chesser was looking down at his tea. "Hey, knock it off." You scolded him. "Futter... what?" Alice asked still confused as to what was going on. "Futterwacken!" The Hare replied, "It's a dance."  Mallymkun clarified.

       Hatter grabbed your hand and walked back to his seat, "On the Frabjous Day, when the White Queen once again wears the crown, on that day, I shall Futterwacken, vigorously." He grabbed your waist and smirked at you. You smirked back understanding the double meaning.

The End

Hey, so. There you go I guess! 😳

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