Long Ago...

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So I spent time (like...hours...) in Urgent Care yesterday....almost sent to the hospital...fun times.

bUt now, I can finish this half-done chapter and churn it out! I might be focusing on To Run a lot now, but don't think I've abandoned my other stories!

bUt now, I can finish this half-done chapter and churn it out! I might be focusing on To Run a lot now, but don't think I've abandoned my other stories!

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(The pic is what I imagine Damon looks like LOL I found it on the internet it's nOt mine)





          Then arms wrapped about me, and voices rang in my ears, voices of my followers.

          "Damon! You're alright."

          "Damon, you wouldn't believe what's happened—"

          "Sir, your scar...it's..."

          Lifting my eyes to them, my vision a little misty, I gave the cheerful faces of Soren, Roarn, Candra, and Jasher a wide grin, finally finding my voice, "I...I can see."

          I could see...



Long Ago...


         After a round of pats on the back and admiring glances shot to the healed part of my face, Notch once again spoke, "Well, if you are done with your greetings, I'd like to speak with all of you about something...concerning Herobrine."

          Immediately, the conversation lulled, stopped, as our eyes flicked to the Creator. As one, we turned to face him, giving our full attention to the powerful immortal. He was still smiling a little, though there was a sadness in his eyes, which were dark, the irises lined with gold, "Thank you...here, come with me, will you all?"

          The powerful Creator turned, clasping his hands behind his back as he made his way over to a fallen pillar, with us in tow. He unhooked his hands briefly to touch a fallen stone, his shoulders seeming to droop a little. The creator...something weighed heavily on his mind. Something that had to do with Herobrine...I was sure.

         "You may sit if you so choose...what I must tell you is a very long tale indeed, one that dates back to the beginning of this world's creation."

         Silently, we all assembled near the fallen pillar before him, concern making us more silent than usual, as was a habit. Jasher stuck near me, undoubtedly trying to express his concern without being overly smothering. Leaning against the rough pillar, appreciating my pain-free body, I ruffled Jasher's hair, trying to help him relax. Our creator was here...we would be safe, if only for a little while.

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