Why Me...Why Us?

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I uh...blame memes for the lateness ;)))

Music above was the reason for me focus!!! Great stuff, lol you don't have to listen to the whole thing, the first bit goes really well with eVents

Vote if you enjoyyyyyyyyyy



          "I know this is sudden...but I have a request for Damon's group of Survivors."

          Having my father's hand resting on my shoulder again, after so long, made me nearly unable to register exactly what the Creator was saying, though I struggled to focus on it. So much time had gone by...I wanted to swear to never leave them again...though I knew whatever Notch requested of us, I would be unable to refuse. I simply owed him too much...

          "Be advised...this is only a request, one you can refuse of your own will, should you desire it. You Survivors have done much already...I am in your debt for enabling me to recover my connection with my creation." Notch's smile widened a little, then fell a bit again, "This will be no easy task..."

         Straightening, Notch's hands again met behind his back as he stood tall, a grim determination in his eyes, "I need you...to hunt down Herobrine for me...and bring him back to me...alive."



Why Me...Why Us?



          Silence reigned as the Creator's words echoed hollowly in the large room.

          Alive...bring him back...alive...

          A comforting squeeze on my shoulder from my father's hand snapped me out of the daze I had apparently descended into. Notch's dark, gold-rimmed eyes were...resigned, dim.

          He didn't expect us to agree.

         With a deep breath, I stepped forward, catching his attention, along with the attention of everyone else. I allowed my eyes to drift over our, painfully low, numbers, before finally focusing on my creator.

          "Lord Notch..."

          "Please... 'Notch' is just fine."

          A little taken aback, I paused for a half-second, clearing my throat and nodding, "Right...L-Notch... This request is...indeed a surprise...however...I believe I can speak for all of the Survivors present that...it would be nigh impossible to fulfill."

         My eyes lowered to the dirt before his boots, as pain washed over me again, restricting my breathing a little, "Even when we managed to catch him by surprise...something that has most likely never happened before...he still stole three of our numbers from us. They are buried in the field they fell in..."

          "...he will be expecting to be hunted now...by people more powerful than us mere humans." I gestured to the winged men, some of whom shuffled a little, looking away, while others nodded. I continued, "I...for one...would find it hard to leave after...what you have so generously brought back to me." My father's hand again settled on my shoulder, a comforting weight, and my eyes hardened, "However...I will willingly go forth and try my best to do your will... After all, I cannot see why you would ask such a thing of us...if you did not believe us capable of such a miracle."

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