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The next morning you were abruptly woken from Draco knocking frantically on your dormitory door. You ran over to your door and opened it a crack feeling dazed from being half asleep but seeing Draco instantly woke you up.

"The whole of Hogwarts have been urgently called to the great hall, right now" Draco said, his tone was mellow and his face was tired.

You nodded, Draco looked at you for a few moments as if he wanted to say more but he then turned away and walked off to leave the Slytherin common room.

You sighed as you closed your dormitory door wondering what had been going through Draco's mind last night that urged him to attempt to kill Dumbledore. What did make sense now however, was his odd behaviour throughout since starting 6th year.

After dressing into your robes as quickly as possible you headed to the great hall, you were amongst the last few left to join. The great hall was lit lowly in comparison to it's usual warm hue, the atmosphere was sombre.

Snape stood at the podium where Dumbledore would usually stand, it was unsettling for many to see causing the great hall to fall into silence.

"I apologise for the early wake up call for it is unfortunate that I have to share this news with you today. Last night we lost someone very dear to Hogwarts... Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" Snape began.

You glanced over at Draco whom was sitting a few seats down from you, he was staring glumly straight down at the table.

"As from today I am the appointed headmaster of Hogwarts... Should you know any information regarding what happened last night please do come and see me. Additionally if any students require any emotional support please see your head of houses respectively" Snape continued.

You looked over to the Gryffindor table noticing Neville had his arm around Katie who was crying quietly, seeing Katie cry made you feel even more riddled with guilt knowing what happened.

"Professor Dumbledore was murdered and someone here must know about it!" Harry shouted angrily standing from the table, making everyone turn to him in shock.

You gulped.

Snape quickly glanced over at you then to Harry.

"Mr Potter, I think it is best if you see Professor McGonagall after this" Snape said remaining collected looking over at McGonagall who then rushed down from the teachers table to Harry instantly.

Harry started crying in frustration as McGonagall pulled him away gently to leave the great hall.

Snape then dismissed everyone immediately.

You walked over to Katie who was wiping her tears away and half smiled when seeing you. She accidentally knocked her reading glasses off of the table as she stood, cracking one of the lenses.

"I feel like this whole school year has been cursed" Katie huffed picking up her broken glasses.

"Don't worry I can fix them for you" You said reaching into your robe to pull out your wand but it wasn't there.

Katie watched as you searched the pockets of your robe for your wand.

That's odd?

"It's okay, I'll get Hermione to fix them later" Katie said smiling with a sniff.

"I need to get my wand as I must have left it in my room, I'll meet you in transfigurations so save me a seat" You said as you rushed off back to your dormitory.

You started searching your dormitory for your wand moving everything aside, shaking out your duvet and so on but you couldn't find it anywhere.

Where the hell has that gone?

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