66. The Department of Mysteries

Start from the beginning

"He'll love it. His the cool grandad, will probably help them turn into animagus' and let them create all kind of mischief - plue they are Fred Weasley's children - mischief runs in their blood." I say laughing lightly and Melody joins me.

"Well it looks like Hogwarts will have to survive some more Weasley twins." Melody says laughing.

"That's true - Godric, I already feel sorry for them all." I say as we walk into the library and sit down starting on the revision straight away.

"Where were you two?" Lee asks.

"Just seeing Madam Pomfrey - she is still a little concerned about me and asked to see me again in two weeks just to see how I am doing." I lie to them and Melody sends me a smile.

"Right we should get on with this revision." Angelina tells us.

"Yes, we should." I say.

With revision upon revision and the pregnancy exhaustion I was noticeably putting weight on - well what I noticed, wearing robes - kind of stops that. It was now the day before the last exam and we were all sitting in the common room talking about Hagrid being fired.

"But why sack Hagrid now?" Angelina asks. "It's not like Trelawney; he's been teaching much better than usual this year."

"Unbridge hates part-humans. She was always going to try and get Hagrid out." Hermione says.

"And she thought Hagrid was putting Nifflers in her office." Katie says.

"Oh, blimey. It's me who's been putting Nifflers in her office. Fred and George left me a couple; I've been levitating them in through her window." Lee tells them and I laugh lightly, knowing someone had to keep up to par with the twins and Lee was the most suitable for it.

"She'd have sacked him anyway." Dean, one of the fifth years says, "he was too close to Dumbledore."

As the conversation keeps up, I notice myself subconsciously rubbing my small bump that was now starting to form, yawning loudly as I was still feeling a little exhausted, everyone was sitting talking in the common room when I interrupt.

"Right you lot, I would love to talk all night, but I am honestly exhausted and I need whatever energy I have to get this exam done tomorrow." I say to the big group of people.

"Alright, goodnight y/n." A few people call out.

"Night." I say before walking up the stairs and settling into bed as I was already in my pyjamas.

The next day we sat our last exam at Hogwarts and I couldn't be more happy. As the exams are done I'm just walking around the castle by myself when I see Harry rushing around.

"Harry are you okay? You look ill." I say to him.

"Come with me." Harry tells me, "I've got to tell you something."

"Harry what's going- "before I could finish we bump into Hermione and Ron.

"Harry! What happened? Are you alright? Are you ill?" Hermione asks with panic in her tone.

"Where have you been?" Ron asks.

"Come with me." Harry tells them, leading the three of us along a first-floor corridor, until we reach an empty classroom, shutting the door behind us.

"Voldemort's got Sirius." Harry tells us and panic runs through my body as the others carry on talking.

"I dunno how, but I know exactly where. There's a room in the Department of Mysteries full of shelves covered in these little glass balls and they're at the end of row ninety-seven... he's trying to get whatever it is he wants from in there... he's torturing him... says he'll end by killing him!" Harry's voice is shaking as much as I feel my body shake.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now