Daddy's Voice (Rikey)

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Ray watched the small scene adoringly. He loved his husband and the child they were bringing into this world. They knew after they got married they wanted to have a baby and heck, they thought of the possibility of having another one after the first baby was born. Mikey suggested a little gap at least.

A year after being married and trying, they got the news they had been waiting for. Ray thought Mikey was just sick until the next day when he came home and his husband told him the news since he decided to go the doctors to confirm what was going on with him. Months later and now they were just waiting for the moment when they could meet their baby.

Everything was planned. The whole nursery was done along with the furniture needed in there. At the baby shower two months ago, they got an ample amount of baby toys, clothes and other infant essentials. They even had a name picked out for their daughter: Grace Jeanette Toro.

Ray scooted closer to his husband. In response, Mikey rested his head on Ray's shoulder. "She'll come soon, babe. She won't want to stay in there forever, you know."

"I know...I just want to meet her now." Mikey had been over the moon finding out he was pregnant. He winced when he felt a kick. "An-and I've had it with the kicking and back pain...damn it, she's active now."

Ray placed his hand back on the baby bump. "Grace, settle down, please, sweetheart. Don't kick your mommy too hard."

Mikey rolled his eyes. "I think she wants continue reading..." By the uncomfortable look on his face, Ray could tell Grace had not stopped the kicking.

"Okay, okay, okay." Ray rubbed the baby bump soothing with his thumb. "Let's go back to the Killjoys, shall we?" Ray stared at the baby bump in curiosity. He then eyed Mikey. "Did she stop?"

Mikey nodded and closed his eyes before lying back down. "Yeah, she's stopped."


Nine months after and the moment they had been waiting for happened. Grace Jeanette Toro had been born August 3rd, 2007 at 3:20pm. Frank and Gerard were over for lunch and when Mikey was going to come and eat with them, his water broke. The labor didn't take too long thankfully until Grace was welcomed into the world.

They had been joyous to see the baby hand their baby daughter to them. The first day with her they just held her close and couldn't stop staring at her. Frank joked with them by calling them "stalkers." Their parents came in and congratulated them, Frank and Gerard being the ones who stayed the longest with the new parents.

They had brought her home and everything was going fine. She slept through the whole car ride with Mikey in the back with her. Gerard and Frank promised to visit more the next day since they wanted to spend more time with their niece.

It was the first night with the baby and like all parents learn, when their baby screams it feels like forever.

"Do you think she's hungry?" Ray asked when he reentered Grace's nursery with her stuffed unicorn. He had gone downstairs to answer his phone for a moment.

While holding a crying Grace, Mikey groaned and gestured at his unbuttoned shirt. "I have tried that already!"

Ray approached his husband and held out his arms. He could see the small bags under Mikey's eyes. None of them were getting sleep, but it was Mikey who needed it the most. Just yesterday, he had given birth after nine months of carrying a little living creature.

"What's wrong, princess? Daddy's got ya, it's okay." Ray said soothingly while rubbing Grace's back.

Mikey buttoned his shirt up. "I don't get it. She's not hungry, she doesn't need to be changed..."

"Go back to sleep, Mikey. I'll take care of her." Ray could tell his husband needed well-deserved rest.

Mikey crossed his arms. "I don't want to leave you all alone to handle her, Ray. I'd feel...shitty."

"You're not abandoning her, babe. Besides, you need sleep." Ray assured Mikey. He pecked Mikey's lips and turned towards Grace's crib. "Mama told me I should stand alone, Papa said you're better on your own," Ray lightly sang.

Mikey was about to leave the nursery when he realized he couldn't hear Grace's cries. Had he suddenly gone deaf? He spun around to see Ray looking at him with the identical shocked expression.

Grace was soothed by Ray's singing.

Mikey had been right when he said it to Ray when he was reading to Grace before she was born. "See, I told you she loves hearing your voice!" 

"You can't be certain of..." Ray would have argued, but realized Mikey has a point. Grace was just staring up at him and released a little yawn. "Maybe you're right."

Mikey beamed. "I bet she can't wait to hear you read to her." Now he didn't feel like sleeping.

"Shall I continue my concert for my daughter?" Ray asked with a little smirk. Mikey rolled his eyes and took a seat on the rocking chair. Ray stood and held Grace close. "Isn't that something, ooh, isn't that something."

Mikey was right. Grace loved hearing her dad whether it was singing or reading to her. He fell in love with the sight of watching his husband soothe their daughter with his voice. Mikey was excited for what was to come for his little family and he.

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