As Katsuki successfully tried his new move, the despite the minimal damage, the rock he used it on cracked and started falling almost directly on top of the teachers.

Specifically All Might.

"HEADS UP!" The ash blond male called out concerningly.

Making Akira look at their direction with her eyes widening.

Instinctively she released her kagune the familiar dark tendrils of her rinkaku shooting out to stab the boulder.

A flash of green beat her to it.

Her extended ability dispersing and her left eye returning to its original color she watched in awe as Midoriya displayed a powerful kick.

Full Cowling.

"Are you okay All Might?" The green haired male immediately asked as soon as he landed on the ground.

His teacher genuinely smiled at him "yeah." He said acknowledging how far the green eyed male had came.

"YOU BETTER WATCH YOURSELF ALL MIGHT!" Bakugo roared from above.

"That's enough class A" a salty voice exclaimed as the door slammed open.
"The gym is ours for the afternoon!" 

Class B's adviser entered, his students following after him.

"Talk about bad timing..." Kaminari signed.

"Pack it up Eraserhead." Vlad King demanded (not @ me forgetting his name for a whole second there)

"No we still have about 10 minutes left."

"Hey have you heard?! About half percent only passes the licensing exam!" A certain blond exclaimed. "I BET YOU'RE GONNA FAIL CLASS A!" Monoma hollered.

"Bruh..." Akira deadpans

"Why are you always comparing our classes together

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"Why are you always comparing our classes together...?"

Instantaneously the male snapped his attention towards her.

"Oho? Class A is questioning their superiority?" He sneered waltzing up to the bluenette. "Are you really cocky to the point that we don't deserve to be compared to you?"

"No." Akira told him straightforwardly.

"In fact I don't think we both shouldn't be compared to one another."

Monoma raised an eyebrow "is that so? How?"

"First of all we're all hero in training students divided into two sections because of our numbers. Having the let's say higher order of the alphabet symbolizing our classes does not determined who is better than the other. Competition is alright because it drives us to work harder,however if it gets as toxic as driving people away from each other then I'd rather not have that."

Everyone silently stared at her as she prepped a whole a$$ speech out of nowhere (the author has that habit irl lmao)

"We're all aiming to be heroes now, I suggest you stop that childish perspective where you have to one-up someone in order to get what you want. Life isn't fair. Just because you are suffering does not mean the other isn't."

Her gray eyes glistening dangerously as she glared down at Monoma's slightly trembling blue ones.

"We're not superior than you nor you to us. The only ones who think so is you. Your mindset that you've been placed in class B because those in Class A are better and more superior than you is a childish mindset and a weak argument." She took in a deep breath.

"At the end of the day, we're all here to become pros in the future. At the end of the day, this rivalry is irrelevant because we all have the same goal in life. And that is to graduate and become a professional."

"Good luck on your licensing exam since we're gonna be on different sites."

She turned and walked away from him.

"Shiozaki-chaaannnn how are you? I haven't seen you since training camp!!"

Kaneki Akira, 100 to 0 real quick.

Y'all I made a Spotify playlist for Polaroid lol

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