Chapter One - Fallen Angel

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A momentary glint appears against the radiant cerulean sky.

All is silent yet the surreal rush of the air over her body as she plummets head-down with an apparent grace unbecoming of someone unconscious.

Seemingly as fast as she had appeared, she plunges through the strata and into the ground onto a rural stone path outside of a village.

Landing with a sound you could be forgiven to mistake for a meteor strike, and with enough force to shatter the rock beneath her creating a shallow crater in the terrain.

When she came to, her gaze was met with a pair of enchanting emerald green eyes staring back at her.

The eyes belong to a certain light-armor clad lass with a somewhat concerned look on her face.

This other girl holds the fallen angel in her lap, glaring down as her expression softens, now admiring the girl's bright white hair that seemed to shine like diamond in the midday sun.

Her own hair was a blazing orange-red, cut perhaps intentionally messy with various cute slightly curling strands popping out here or there, and intense bangs that appeared to swoop in every which way while somehow maintaining some sense of direction and not obscuring her vision.

She brushes some stray hairs out of the girl's otherwise pristine face, she was surprisingly intact for someone who had just fallen out of the sky like a shooting star.

Realizing the way she was looking at the girl brought a slight flush to her cheeks.

??? - "A-Are you ok..?"

Still not fully aware, she simply stares back with a blank expression with a distant, somber tone, a tear rolling down from her eye.

??? - "Woah, what's wrong?"

Only receiving a quizzical look in response.

Still holding the girl's face, she wipes the tear away with her thumb.

??? - "D'you think you can stand?"

The girl nods slightly after a moment of confused consideration.

She moves to help her up, pulling her by the hand.

??? - "Well.. can you talk?"

Girl - "Hh- Hi..?"

??? - "The goddess speaks! So- are you like an NPC or something? I thought we didn't have those.. Some kind of quest bearer..?"

Girl - "A uhm.. what..?"

??? - "A-Ahh! You're a player..! So I'd suppose not then..! Don't look like one I've ever seen anyway. E-Eheh.. Though your entrance was rather spectacular.."

Girl - "E-Ehh....?"

??? - "So, what is your name, m'lady?"

Girl - "Uhhh, I'm- My name is Syr.. I think.."

??? - "Huh, sear? Like a steak?"

Caught off guard by this remark, Syr lets out a brief chuckle.

Syr - "E-Eheh.."

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