Chapter 11

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Great, how am I supposed to find a good lie for what happened?! I shook my head slightly at my stupidity as I followed Zuko and Iroh to a room. Iroh sat down on the floor beside a table and poured tea in three cups.

I didn't know what to do and stood there awkwardly while looking on the floor. My mind was running wild with possible things I could say but all of them were so stupid that not even a fish would believe me.

I really envied Iroh, he was always so calm and relaxed as if there weren't any problems. And then there was Zuko, the always angry and grumpy human. I don't get how someone could be full of temper, anger and grumpiness that much.

Iroh motioned me to sit down and I nodded and sat down in front of him. He handed me a cup of tea but honestly, I didn't want anything right now. Nevertheless, I took the cup but only held in my hands.

"What are you? You controlled the people put there!" Zuko shouted after an awkward silence. I jumped at his loud voice and spilled a bit of tea onto my lap. I immediately put the cup back on the table and silently hissed a bit at the pain on my thighs.

I chose to ignore the pain for now as it wasn't that bad anyways and looked up from my lap to see Zuko and Iroh looking at me intensely waiting for an answer. Zuko's amber eyes were full of fury and Iroh's full of curiosity.

"Honestly," I began after clearing my throat, "I have no idea," I told them the truth. I never knew why I could bend two elements. There was always this thought in my head that I'm an alien or a freak. Probably a freak but I wouldn't say no to an alien me.

Zuko looked like he was ready to kill me as he was shaking in anger and leaned forward. I flinched because I thought he will hit me in the face but he didn't. I released a breath when Iroh spoke up, "I might know something but I'm not sure about it since I've never seen this occurrence in real life," he said deep in thought with one hand on his chin.

Now I was curious because I've waited for this moment since I know about my bending abilities. Finally I found someone who knows something. My body filled with hope and I waited for Iroh to continue.

"But I need to know about your family's history first," he told me and my face fell. Great, that's the only thing I know nothing about.

"I don't care about her family, uncle!" Zuko exclaimed standing up, "I want to know why she can bend two elements and control people!" he yelled and looked at his uncle before looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"She's dangerous," Zuko stated before calling for a guard. I knitted my brows and definitively didn't like where this was going. When a guard entered, I looked between Zuko and Iroh who looked at his nephew with raised eyebrows.

"Lock her up in the farthest cell you can find and no one goes near her anymore," he ordered the guard pointing at me. I jumped up from the ground with wide eyes, "What?!" I exclaimed as panic overcome me, "I don't think-" "Shut up," Zuko interrupted me angrily.

The guard grabbed me and led me deep into the ship where all the cells were. I didn't even fight him, it would be useless anyways but I was furious at the stupid prince.

I was pushed into the cell and the guard locked it before leaving me completely alone there. I must have been in the lower part of the ship since it was freezing cold and dark here. I looked around and I was in a large room with many small cells.

I didn't know what happened outside but it must have been a few hours already since I'm here and it was boring. I couldn't do anything besides looking around the room and sitting on the ground. What was weird was that the ship was still standing that meant we haven't left the shore yet.

More hours passed and the ship still hasn't moved and eventually I fell asleep sitting with my back leaned against the cold metal just like my head.

In the morning I woke up when I heard shouting and fighting. The ship sailed again but that wasn't important right now.

I grew worried and stood up immediately when the noises didn't stop. A groan escaped my lips as I cursed at the prince for locking me up. My blood froze when I heard someone shouting Sokka's name in the background.

"No," I breathed out and began to panic. The possibly worst scenarios were playing in my head about what could have happened out there. "Hey, let me out of here," I screamed my lungs out as I grabbed the prison cell bars and shook them with all my strength.

No one came in to unlock my cell. What a surprise. And then everything went back to being silent as if nothing happened in the first place.

I was worried about Sokka and a tear rolled down my cheek. I missed my siblings and even the little Avatar kid. I released a deep breath to calm my nerves but they never left my mind.

After a while, I heard the door of my cell opening. I looked up and saw Iroh standing there smiling at me. I got curious because nobody with common sense would let me out after yesterday.

"Good morning Jasmine, I came to talk to you since we couldn't finish our conversation yesterday," he told me and sat down in front of me on the ground. I followed his every move with raised eyebrows.

He ignored my questioning gaze, "Tell me, how can you control people's actions?" he asked me. "All I know is that it's called blood bending. I can basically bend people's blood," I told him what I knew. He nodded as he realized that it was another form of water bending.

"You wanted to tell me about your family," he started the conversation from where we were cut off yesterday.

I chuckled dryly, "Well actually there is nothing special, that's why I'm confused about my fire bending," I told him and I don't even know why I am starting to open up to him.

"Then tell me what you know," he suggested with a smile. I only nodded and started to tell him about my father's side of the family and that my mother came from the northern water tribe but that she didn't talk with her family because of the marriage with my father.

What I didn't tell him, was that I didn't believe that story because honestly, there was something fishy about that. Iroh nodded while listening and I never knew that I would enjoy talking openly with someone.

"It's indeed weird that you can fire bend," he mumbled and nodded after I finished.

That's when I remembered that Iroh once hummed the same song my mother would sing me to sleep to. I wanted to ask him about that but I didn't want to do it directly. That would be weird.

I decided to hum the song while he looked like he was thinking about what I told him about my family. I looked around the room while humming because I didn't want to seem suspicious. When he heard what I was humming he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"How do you know that song?" he asked me with knitted eyebrows. That reaction was weird, he gave me the impression that I wasn't allowed to know that song.

"Uhm... my mother used to sing it to me," I told him and patiently waited for another reaction. His eyes widened a bit and he looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Are you okay?" I asked when he was frozen on his place not saying anything for a few minutes.

"That's not possible," he said more to himself but I heard him very clearly. Now I was confused, I mean, that's just a normal song right. Actually, I expected him not to show any reaction at all. I thought it would be a normal song.

After a while he looked up at me and I don't know if it was just imagination but I saw a glint of hope in his eyes. "What was your mother's name?" he slowly asked.

I didn't know why he would ask that question but I answered him, "Kya. Why would yo-" I stopped when he gasped. He stood up and I saw his eyes water. I jumped up too and was about to ask what the matter is but I stopped when someone barged into the room.

AN - sorry for not updating for so long. Corona is just annoying right now. Do you guys get so much more homework too? I feel like all my teachers think we have nothing to do because we are at home so why not give us tons of homework?

This chapter is more like a filler but I finally wanted to continue writing again after a long time. I hope you like it and please don't forget to comment and vote.

- Love RoboSanz :) 

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