"Like your presents?" He asks.

"Yes, thank you. I hope you like yours." I tell him.

"Yes, I do and thank you for all the Honeyduke sweets, been ages since I las had some of them." He says.

"Well, I thought you could have some cool things to keep yourself occupied." I say, then moving to Molly, "thank you for the jumper Molly." I say bringing her into a hug.

"It's okay dear, thank you and Fred for the earrings very thoughtful of you both, anyway, breakfast?" She asks sitting me down the table away from Fred and Bill, who have fell silent from their conversation.

"Merry Christmas, Bill," I say, as Molly ushers me down the table to sit with Hermione and Ginny and I see Hermione holding another present.

"Who's that for?" I ask her, nodding at the present.

"Kreature." She replies and I make a gagging noise in disgust.

"Y/n, could you come and help me with breakfast please?" Molly asks and I stand up and walk over to the aprons.

"Of course, I can, Molly." I say, as I pull the apron over my head and tying it around me.

"So what time are we going to see Arthur?" I ask Molly.

"After we have had Christmas lunch." Molly tell me.

"That's good, I forgot to take my present for him to St Mongo's yesterday, so I can take it today." I say to her as I hear my dad talking to the others in the background.

"I'll look for him later, I expect I'll find him upstairs crying his eyes out over my mother's old bloomers or something. Of course, he might have crawled into the airing cupboard and died... but I mustn't get my hopes up." Dad says, causing most people around the table to start laughing apart from Hermione.

I look up at Fred and he makes eye contact with me before quickly turning away.

"Is everything okay with Fred?" I ask Molly.

"Yeah, of course he is dear. Why?" She asks as we continue to cook breakfast.

"He seems a little off that's all." I say to her, as I look at Fred joking around with his siblings.

"He seems fine." Molly says, quickly glancing up at her son.

After eating breakfast, then Christmas lunch I sat talking to dad before we went to see Arthur.

"Are you sure you want me to go? I can always stay here with you." I suggest to my dad.

"Its fine sweetheart, I'll be cleaning up after lunch anyway." Dad tells me shoeing me out of the room with everyone else so we could go to the hospital.

As its Christmas, in the muggle world trains weren't working today, so we got to borrow a car from the Ministry which had an extendable charm on it, so we could all fit in. We got to St Mongo's rather fast as there wasn't many other cars on the road. As we walked into St Mongo's a held onto Fred's hand taking in all of the decorations that now filled the hallway. We then walked through the entrance room I see a Wizard talking to the witch behind the desk, and he had a satsuma jammed up his left nostril.

"Family argument, eh?" I see the witch from behind the desk smirk. "You're the third I've seen today... Spell Damage... forth floor."

We walked through the hallways to get to Arthur's room and we see Melody and Jack with their parents and Melody's sister and I rush up to them and give them a hug before Fred and Jack sneak off together.

"Do you have any idea what is going on with them, because Fred has been acting weird since this morning and George hasn't got a single clue." I say turning to Melody as we walk towards the ward that Arthur is in.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें