Red Head And A Skirt

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Mina sighed, she was going to be late but that was the least of her worries at the moment. She had spoke with Midnight, wanting advice because she planned to change her hero outfit. Katsuki had said something about her destroying her hero outfit everytime her quirk came into contact with it, which wasn't a lie to say the least, but she didn't expect to need help with it. Midnight wasn't much help so she was at a loss as to who to ask.

As she was walking she noticed several things, one, Mic and Vlad King were running around like they had lost their heads and two, there was a little girl standing right in front of her. She had light red hair, her eyes a bright sapphire color, she wore her hair in cute pig-tails and her sweater was a light pink, covering up her fingertips. She even wore a light pink skirt with black leggings, her feet covered with a pair of black boots. Mina didn't know what to say or do, all she knew is that this wasn't the best place for a little girl.

The pink haired girl picked up the small female, the child's facial expression not changing, and held her close, putting the girl on her hip. As she walked she called Momo, seeing if the girl knew what to do about this situation. The small girl played with the red tie on the other female's shirt as she listened to their conversation on the phone, the child's head was layed on Mina's shoulder, distracted by the tie. Mina sighed and hung up, she turned her head slightly to see that the girl had fallen asleep with her tie in her small hand. She silently streamed about how cute the girl was and kept walking to the class.

As long as she doesn't wake up, we should be ok! Unfortunately that wasn't the case because as soon as the door opened, chaos. Everyone was screaming at one another and Aizawa looked like he was going to commit murder. The little girl in her arms jumped lightly and looked around, her hair moving as her eyes scanned the room. Aizawa looked to the door and his eyes widened when he noticed Mina with a little girl and the little girl seemed to lighten up when she saw the man. The girl kicked lightly and Mina put her to the ground, once her feet made contact with the marble floor, she ran over to Aizawa, who had his arms out and kneeling on his knee.

The class quieted down when the saw they're teacher hugging the little girl, he picked her up and set her on his hip, looking over at Mina. "Where did you find him?" Mina's eyebrows rose and she began to explain where she found the child. A sigh left Aizawa, he was going to have to get onto two men later. "Thank you Mina." the child on his hip giggled as they played with the man's hair. Mina nodded and the class watched as the two interacted.

"I'm sorry Aizawa-Sensei, but you said ‘him’?" Aizawa looked at the female and nodded.

"Yes, we didn't have any clothes in his size, so we went with the next best thing. Everyone, this is Enji Todoroki, or well, Endeavor." the class gasped and the child's eyes just scanned them, confusion written ok their face. "During an outing with a friend of his, a civilian ran into them and it seemed that they're quirk had something to do with age, so know he's, I'd say, four or five. He doesn't talk but you can understand him by certain gestures he makes." the class listened as the man spoke and watched as the child, known as they're number one pro hero, mess with Aizawa's hair. It was an unusual sight but it didn't take long before the child wanted down.

As soon as his feet made contact with the floor, he walked over to Ojirou's desk, staring at the male's tail. The blond rose an eyebrow at the child and he pointed at his tail, both making eye contact. The curiosity in the small child's eyes couldn't be missed. Ojirou sighed and began to play around with the child, the class watched and Aizawa left the room, needing to go and scold the two whom lost, or even left, the child. Enji laughed and giggled as he played and ran around the tail. Shoto was more than surprised that his father would be so careless and end up having this happen to him. Something was wrong.

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