[Song Dimensions] Hug - Seventeen Vocal Unit

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His phone, which was untouched the night because of his unproductivity, was on the table. The only possible way for his cry of help. A few contacts there but rest assured almost all were willing to save him. But isn't that too selfish of him to ask? Why share the words of his heart when he can't even function. Why also rope other people and take their time as well, it would be taking the same hours and not increasing any span?

But how his thumb lingered on all their names. Maybe it would slip and allow him to call for at least one of them. And it did slip, it slipped too perfectly, and hit the contact of one of his members. A member who needed much more time than he did yet was always so hardworking and productive. Why had he called Chan? Was he that desperate? Yes. He desperately needs that help.

"Leon?" His voice was enough for Leon to zoom in on all he had missed the past hours. How cold the air seemed to be against the shirt that clung to him. His back sore from trying to uphold all his existence, maybe the chair though deserved more credit. The bags under his eyes, the tints in his eyes, whether he only could see or it wasn't a hallucination, were signs of how he did not sleep. He must've just stared for the night, too lost and too exposed with his face.

He was overwhelmed and words were the farthest thing from his mind.

This is not a wrong dial. First of all, Leon's really careful about his phone for that not to happen. Second, how his breaths seemed to be desperately reaching the other side yet couldn't meet with it. How could it, when it could barely hold on its side? With all this, Chan knew the younger boy needed him. He needed Chan even though he was still unsure as to why.

"Leon, bub, what's happening there?"

"Come on bub, tell hyung. It's been a long time since I've visited your studio."

His words held true but so random. Yet he just kept on speaking as his body tried to keep pace with his thoughts. Why was he speaking, wasn't it also taking his energy that could've helped to rush faster? Maybe, but Chan knew he had to keep Leon on the phone at least. At least before he gets there. Even though they were breaths of struggle, they were still a sign of life.

"Kids, I have to go! I'm going to pick up Leon."

His plan was to walk out and run after that. But Hyunjin had kept up at him, insisting he would come. The older boy wanted to let the boy stay, at least one less boy outside their home. But the firm line on Hyunjin's lips made him listen to the younger boy. Even though his face seemed stoic, his eyes and hand that held Chan's so softly yet supporting his was telling him he must. "Hyung, I know what to do."

This then caused two boys to hurry to the building. Both speaking, hoping that Leon would speak soon. Another sign of life in him. Yet the moment he did, it made them worry more and try their best to arrive faster. A sign of life, but what life?

"I'm having a hard time."

"I'm having a hard time."

His words were not monotone. It held its own colors, yet repeated like a record player. A song of pleading trying to outshine the yellow, neons, and rainbows, to prove something it is not.

Whenever you're having a hard time

You can be hugged by me

I am the same

No matter how much you hide it

You know you can't hide it forever

How many rooms have they passed? Are they even going to the right door? Unsure of how they arrived at the location, they just hoped their souls would find Leon's. Even amidst the crowd and the music. The crowd of great people and music of healing, yet not what they seek right now. Those are all nothing, not until Leon was with them.

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