Chapter 24: "My soulmate was finally where she belonged. In my arms."

Start from the beginning

I remembered what Jungkook said about them all having soulmates. "Will it do the same for the others?" I questioned.

"Yes," Jimin confirmed. "There are seven of us total: a siren, a witch, a werewolf, a vampire, a dragon, and a demon. I'm the seventh. We each have a predetermined soulmate."

"So what happens to the book? How does it get to the next person?" I asked, still confused with everything happening.

Jimin shrugged. "I'm sure Jin or Namjoon will handle it," he explained, stopping at my confused look. "Jin and Namjoon are my brothers of sort. Not blood related, but brothers anyway."

I nodded my head in partial understanding. "Okay," I said, reluctantly understanding that there were some things I wasn't going to ever get, but now I had to ask the more important questions.

I hesitated wanting to ask, but being afraid of the answer. "What is it princess?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. "Please tell me."

"Do... do you still want me?" I asked, worried that his answer would be no. What if things had changed throughout the day? What if he had decided that he would not want to give up the women he would visit each night? Too many what ifs filled my mind, turning what could have been a beautiful moment sour. The bitterness of my thoughts filled my mind, latching onto my brain like a thorny crown, not wanting to let go.

Jimin reached out for my hands, gripping them in his own. "I want you. I want you so badly. So badly that it's all I can think of," he declared, his voice strong.

Jimin POV:

As I sat there in silence, I watched the array of emotions cross my beautiful soulmate's face. At first she said nothing and my heart shattered. This was it. This was where she tells me she doesn't want me. I tried to recall Namjoon's words from earlier. His words that seemed so comforting at the time, but now seemed to be a big neon sign, mocking me, telling me that this was not real.

I could feel the unsteadiness of my breathing and the rising of my heart, panic filling every bit of my being. The seconds seemed like hours, the hands of the clock moving backwards as I waited for her to speak. I promised myself I wouldn't beg her, promised myself that if she rejected me, I would walk away and leave her alone, but I knew with every fiber of my soul that I would never be able to.

Y/N turned to face me, still holding the hands I had reached for. Her touch was gentle, her eyes soft, and her smile sweet. "I... I'm in love with you Jimin," she said quietly, my fingers caught between her own. "I don't know how or when or even why, but I know that I'm in love with you. I want you. I want all of you."

My mind blanked at her words and I sat there for a moment, unable to say anything, unable to move. Then all of a sudden the words she had said registered in my mind, shocking me out my stupor. She loves me? She loves me? The words kept repeating themselves in my mind. I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and dragging her to me, wrapping my arms around her in a tight embrace from which I never wanted to release her. "Are...are you sure?" I asked stupidly, not wanting to let go of her for even a moment.

Y/N gave me another sweet smile. "Yes. I'm sure. Of all the things in my life, this is the thing I am most sure of," she reassured me, twining her arms around my neck. "I love you Jimin. I didn't expect that I was going to fall for you so quickly, but I can't help it."

"I never expected this either," I admitted, "But I'm so happy it happened." Y/N's eyes filled at my words and my heart broke at her tears. "Please. Please don't cry," I begged, all semblance of pride disappearing when faced with my soulmate. I wanted nothing more than to comfort her, make her smile. I used my thumbs to wipe the tears that had spilled down her cheeks.

Y/N gave me a watery smile, but then cast her eyes down in worry. "What... what about the other women?" she questioned. "Won't you miss visiting them? Or will you still?"

I lifted her chin forcing her to look at me. "Listen to me princess. All of those women meant nothing to me. Absolutely nothing to me. I can't choose what I am, but I can choose who I want to be. And who I want to be with," I said, trying to calm her fears. "I choose you. I will choose you every time. You are the only one I want. From now until the end of eternity."

Y/N leaned forward, pressing her lips to mine. The taste of her strawberry lips was unlike anything else and I could feel the soulmate bond pulsing between us. I moved my lips against hers, slipping my tongue into her mouth when she let out a moan that went straight to me. I could feel myself harden instantly, could feel the stickiness in my boxers from my already leaking member. I swept Y/N into my arms, never releasing her lips from mine.

I carried her into her bedroom, laying her gently down on her bed before climbing in next to her. The late afternoon sun was streaming through the window and it turned her dark hair to fire, her pale skin gold. I had never seen her look more beautiful then she did right now. "I love you my princess. So damn much," I whispered against her hair, the soft scent filling my nose.

Y/N reached up a hand and ran it through my hair, making me close my eyes in anticipation. "I love you Jimin," she replied, her voice soft but strong.

As I laid there with her, caught up in her whiskey eyes, I knew that this is where I was supposed to be. I looked down at my beautiful soulmate and gave her a soft smile, full of love and adoration. My soulmate was finally where she belonged. In my arms.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now