
Later that evening

Although Vanessa had planned to go to a club with Rebecca in the evening, she had surprisingly faced another work she had to do before that—a work of her type. She put on more comfortable clothes—black pants, a tank top, and a black leather jacket, fastened her pistol to the back of her belt and walked out.

The door unlocked, and Vanessa entered the basement of her hiding place. A man was lying wounded on the ground.

"Stand up!" she said to him with a severe tone.

The man obeyed and stood up, although it was difficult for him. He barely stood on his feet because of his wounds.

"It's time for you to start talking. Don't you think?" Vanessa made a pause and then continued. "To whom are you working?"

"I told you, I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Let me help you remember!" she said, starting to punch him at the same time.

The man staggered back and barely kept his balance from falling.

At the same time, Vanessa's phone rang. She looked at the screen, then motioned to her hostage to keep quiet.

"Hello," Vanessa said neutrally.

"Are you ready, girl?" Rebecca's voice sounded on the phone. "Do you want me to pick you up from your home?"

"There is no need. I'll come to the club in thirty minutes."

"Okay, see you later."


Vanessa hung up and turned to the man. "Come on, sweetheart! Some of us have a life to live!" She spoke to him ironically, and right after that, she punched him again. This time, the man could not handle it and fell unconscious.

"Just great," Vanessa said to herself, rolling her eyes. "Now you decided to faint..." She headed for the door. "Well, sweet dreams, sweetheart! I'll see you later," she said as she locked the basement door.

Now, it was time for a party. 

Going to clubs wasn't Vanessa's thing, but the opportunity to get closer to Cole's sister would have been helpful to her, and she had to take advantage of that.

Vanessa arrived just in time. But as soon as she entered, she felt very uncomfortable. The music was loud; people were dancing and banging on each other; others were drinking a massive amount of alcohol on the tables. She took a deep breath, looked around, and saw Rebecca dancing in the distance.

As soon as Rebecca also noticed Vanessa, she moved closer to her.

"Hi, Rebecca."

"Nessa, hi!" Rebecca was screaming because she couldn't be heard otherwise. "The music is cool! Come on! Let's dance!" She invited Vanessa with light dance moves.

"I don't dance," Vanessa answered. "But you go ahead."

"Oh, come on! You can't be serious," Rebecca kept insisting.

"I am. I will grab something to drink and will be waiting for you here."

"You are missing so much fun! Okay, wait for me. I am coming right after the song ends."

Rebecca walked away with dancing steps, and Vanessa sat in one of the chairs around the bar.

"What do you want to drink, beautiful?" The bartender approached her and began to speak to her in a playful tone.

"Oh, that's all I missed! Flirting bartender..."

"What?" the man asked Vanessa because he hadn't heard what she said.

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