33 (The End)

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*Mentions abuse

After the kiss we shared, George and I only hugged each other. George smiled at me and grabbed my shoulders. He kissed my cheek softly and I pressed a short kiss on his lips.

'George, let's just confirm everything. Do you want to be my boyfriend?'

George nodded. 'I want nothing else.'

I smiled and hugged him against my body. 'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

Two months later...

It was a Thursday morning and I was downstairs, making George some breakfast. George had recovered very well. He still hadn't walked without his crutches, but his memory was back and he didn't have much pain anymore. It had taken months for all bruises to heal and disappear. He had a pretty big trauma, but he was getting better with my help.

We were boyfriends for two months now and I had lived with George all this time. I wasn't homeless anymore, I was with my boyfriend all the time, and I loved it so much.

I had just prepared George breakfast, when I heard very slow and light footsteps behind me. I turned around and George stood in front of me, without his crutches. He smiled and fell in my arms.

'You walked?' I yelled happily.

He nodded slowly and I hugged him tightly.

'I'm very tired now.'

'Come, sit down.' I led him to the couch and he laid down. I kissed him shortly and he smiled at me. 'I'm so proud of you.'

After George remembered everything of what happened, he had panicked quite a lot. I was there for him the whole day. We both had forgiven each other. He apologised maybe a thousand times of accusing me of those things, but I understood him now. His dad was an awful man and he had to be locked in prison for the rest of his life, at least if it was up to me. I understood every word George said to me, he was scared as hell.

I looked at George again. One day you're homeless, the other day you move in with someone, just a few days later you fall in love, after that your whole world seems to fall apart and now we're boyfriends. Our story might be very complicated, but definitely worth it.

I covered George's face in kisses and I hugged him against my body. 'I love you so much, George.'

'I love you too, I couldn't wish for someone better than you.'

We kissed shortly and I held him in my arms. George rested his head on my shoulder and looked at me.

'I'm so proud of you, you walked again after all these months. I'm so proud, I actually am. And you walked all by yourself, you didn't even ask for help.'

'I'm so tired now.'

'I understand, you should maybe sleep a little.'

'Clay, I love you so much. You saved me.'

'You saved me too.'

'But you saved me from the death. If you hadn't preformed CPR on me, I would have died.'

'I just did what I thought was right and apparently I saved you with that.'

'How long have you done CPR?'

'I don't even know, five or ten minutes. You didn't wake up, so I really thought you were dead.'

'I felt dead at least,' George giggled.

I kissed him shortly. 'I'm so extremely happy you're still here, I love you so much.'

'I'm happy to be here too, definitely now I have you.'

'I honestly was so scared when you were laying there, you were lifeless. I was going to lose the love of my life too after my both my parents.'

'But you didn't. I love you. I remember how incredibly happy I was when you shortly kissed me before I passed out.'

'I really wanted to do that in case you died.'

George smiled. 'Aww, you're so cute.'

'George, you really saved me too, you know that right? I had nothing, I had no one. I was completely alone and then you came. I had literally nothing. I'm so much less without you, I'm fact I'm also homeless without you.'

George smiled and kissed me. 'I would die for you, you're my whole world.'

'I'm not homeless anymore. I'm nothing without you.'

'I love you.'

'I love you too, Georgie. With my whole heart.'

722 words

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