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*Mental breakdown
*Talk about suicide and death
*Mentions bullying

George let go of me and he looked at me. 'If you want to talk, I'm here.'

'I just- I found my dad.'

'I'm so sorry.'

'He took too many pills and I- I called the ambulance, but he was dead already. And then- I had no one anymore. I had no friends, because I was always the annoying kid. I had no mum anymore when I was twelve and well- some bastards thought that was the ideal situation to bully me. It appeared to be funny to bully the guy who also lost his mum already.'

'That's so toxic.'

'Yeah, well- I finished high school and just didn't do anything anymore after that. I guess I just got a terrible kid to not let it influence me. And it didn't until now. I'm just broken about everything now suddenly, it's probably because I'm sick. I have never cried about it, I have never let the emotions come to me, I never showed them. It just wasn't how I coped with it. I just got annoying and never listened to anyone. I didn't want to love anyone, because I could just lose them suddenly.'

'I understand, that's so difficult,' Sap said. 'I'm glad you're showing it now, because botteling up your feelings is so bad for you.'

I nodded softly. 'I will go downstairs so you can edit the video. I'm really tired and I want to sleep.'

'Oh no worries, we were almost done. We will finish it tomorrow. YouTube is my job, I don't do anything else than sitting behind my PC the whole day, I can easily do it tomorrow.'

I couldn't even argue about it anymore. I laid down and shut my eyes. It literally took me just ten minutes to fall down in a deep sleep.

I woke up next morning, which I found very weird. I had fallen asleep before dinner, so I had slept a very long time. I was feeling a lot better and I stood up, walking downstairs. I walked in on George sleeping on the couch. He had a thin blanket and his pillow had fallen onto the ground. I grabbed his pillow and stuffed it under his head. I turned to his side in his sleep and smiled softly. I smiled at the sight of him laying down there and looked around me.

I would be allowed to make myself some soup, right? I knew I sort of lived here now, but it still felt weird. I was here just with a sort of stranger who now appeared to be my friend. I looked over at George and suddenly felt my cheeks heating up a little. He was actually pretty cute and handsome. I smiled a little and suddenly saw him move. He opened his eyes and I quickly turned around. I hoped he didn't see me stare at him.

'Hey, good morning,' George said.

I turned around again and smiled. 'Hi.'

'Why are you here?'

'I uh- wanted to make some breakfast.'

'Are you feeling a little better? You have more colour on your face.'

I nodded. 'I feel better. Still a little weak and such, but definitely better.'


I nodded and kept staring at him. Why did I notice he was this beautiful just now? I hadn't really looked at him very well, be he was kind of handsome. I just didn't notice it before.

'You good?'

'Uh- sorry. Yes, I'm alright. Uh- can I maybe- for like breakfast- make myself some soup?'

'Make it home, dude. You can make yourself whatever you want. I don't mind what you make yourself.'

I nodded thankful and looked at him again. My cheeks heated up and I turned around. He was actually very handsome.

'Are you alright? Your face got a little red.'

'Uh- yes. Still the fever I think.'

George stood up and touched my forehead with his hand. He frowned and shrugged. 'Maybe, you don't seem to have a fever anymore.'

I smiled a little and leaned backwards so his hand slipped away from me. My face only heated up more when he touched me. I cleared my throat and made myself some soup. I quickly walked away from George. Why didn't I realise this? Did I like him so suddenly? Or was it just a phase? I wasn't gay or anything.

726 words

(Home)Less Without Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें