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*Sickness (fever)
Guys to be very fair, is this really a trigger?

I saw George coming back with some bags twenty minutes later. He was running towards me. I made space for him again and he sat down, opening his bags.

'Look. I got you some stuff. I made a sandwich at home for you, I had some muffins left at home so I have two for you. You're getting a little thin, Clay. I also got you a power bank to charge your phone with. I got you two bottles of water and-.' He stopped talking for a little. 'I got you also something soft to lay down on. I'm trying to help you even more, but it will take me a little, okay?'

'Thank you so much, this- it means so much to me. Why are you doing this for me?'

'Because you're young, you're not here without a reason. May I ask what happened?'

'I just don't have enough money and I didn't pay my rent so I got evicted. I'm just so broken.'

'You're really pale, are you feeling okay?'

'I'm really tired, and I feel so dirty and cold. I feel like I'm going to be sick, if I continue like this.'

'You look really sick.' He moved his hand to my forehead. 'You're a little warm.'

'My trousers and hoodie are literally soaked.'

'Do you have new ones?'

'Well yeah a few, but the bench is wet.'

'Can you stand up for me?'

I nodded and stood up. He looked at my hoodie and trousers. 'You're going to get sick.' He grabbed the soft towel he brought for me and he laid it down on the bench.

'You should change clothes.'

'Well, I'm in public.'

'You should ask to go to the bathroom in that store over there,' George said pointing.

I nodded and slowly started walking there with a new pair of clothes. All my muscles were hurting, walking hurt, my back hurt.

'I think you might going to get sick, Clay,' George said concerned.

'I'm fine, don't worry.'

'I don't mean this in a wrong way, but you look really bad. You're as pale as a ghost and you have bags under your eyes.'

'I guess sleeping outside isn't the best thing to do,' I said whilst coughing shortly. I was feeling worse with the second. I walked inside the store with my clothes and walked to the counter.

'Can I maybe use the bathroom? I uh- my clothes are a little wet.'

'Can't you just change at home?'

'Yeah I could have if I didn't get freaking kicked out.'

'Oh well, be quick.'

She pointed to the door and I quickly walked there, changing clothes fast and I came back. George was waiting for me and we walked back to the park. I laid down, now noticing how extremely bad I was actually feeling. George went home after a while because some people were visiting him, but he promised to come back after that.

After three hours I started feeling really sick. I started coughing and sneezing a lot, I was extremely cold but my head was very warm, everything was hurting, I had very bad headaches and I felt nauseous. I was shaking whilst laying deep under my blankets and I closed my eyes. I felt so bad, I probably had a high fever.

An hour after that George came back. I was softly crying a little because I was feeling so bad and tired. He kneeled down next to the bench and looked at me.

'Are you alright, Clay?'

'I- I feel so bad.'

His hand went up to feel my forehead and he seemed to startle a little. 'You have a fever. I can't let you sleep here. Come to my apartment.'


'Yes, come.' He lifted me up and wrapped me in the blankets. 'It's not too far, do you think you can make it?'

I nodded slowly, walking just hurt a lot. George wrapped an arm around my waist to help me walk and when we walked five minutes we arrived at his place. He opened the door and let me go in.

'Do you want to take a shower?'

'I think I'm too weak for that now.'

'Come to my room, I will sleep on the couch.'

I was too tired to really think about it and followed him upstairs. I laid down in his bed and immediately fell asleep.

733 words

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