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Hours had passed and I was very confused about everything that was happening. My hands were purple because of the cold and I couldn't really move my hands anymore. I was feel a little drowsy and closed my eyes. I had trouble breathing, I kept breathing more and more slowly and my eyes kept rolling away for a little every now and then. My clothes were covered in snow and they were completely soaking wet.

I looked up, everything was blurry and I was so drowsy. I heard footsteps around me, but I was too tired to look up. Suddenly a stranger kneeled down next to me.

'Are you alright?'


'Are you okay?'

'W-who a-are y-y-you?'

'I'm Darryl. What's your name?'


'Wait, do you know George?'

'G-George? Y-yes.'

'Why are you here?'

'I-I'm s-so cold.'

Darryl stood up and pulled of his coat, wrapping it around me. My eyes rolled away again and my muscles tensed up. I was so exhausted and cold.

'I think I'm going to call an ambulance, you are hypothermic.'

I closed my eyes and curled myself up. 'T-tired.'

'Clay, can you look at me?'

I looked up very slowly. 'W-what?'

I looked at him shortly. He had brown hair, he had glasses, he was walking with a dog it seemed.

'Aren't you a friend of George?'

'G-George? Does h-he want t-to b-be friends a-again?'

'What happened between you?'

'I k-kissed h-h-him.'

'You kissed George?'

'Y-yeah, and h-he kicked m-me out.'

'I'm so sorry, I'm here for you. Come, you need to go to my place and I will call the ambulance. Darryl lifted me up, but I fell back down immediately. I was so weak and cold.

'I'm going to call George.'

'N-n-no, he h-hates me.'

'No, I'm calling an ambulance, but you need a blanket before.'

He grabbed his phone.

'Muffinhead, I have no idea what you did, but Clay is badly hypothermic and he needs blanket and clothes now. So if you can get here a little quick with some stuff, that would be appreciated.'

He hung up without letting George speak and looked at me. 'Are you alright, Clay?'


'Do you have clothes in that bag?'

I nodded. Darryl opened my bag and grabbed some new clothes.

He lifted me up and pulled off my hoodie, immediately putting my new hoodie on. I was too tired and confused to really think about it and heard more footsteps. I looked up and looked at George. I felt some butterflies in my stomach and quickly looked away. George gave Darryl a blanket and he wrapped it around me. I looked shortly at George.


He smiled shortly and gave me another blanket. Darryl had called the ambulance and I started feeling more sleepy and sleepy.

'I t-think I-I'm g-going to p-pass out.'

'Look at me, Clay,' Darryl said.

My eyes rolled away again, this time I felt very lightheaded. I looked at George shortly.

'Stay awake, Clay,' he whispered.

'You w-wouldn't c-care,' I whispered. 'Y-you u-understand why I-I have n-no one, r-right?'

'George? Did you say that?'

'He t-told S-Sapnap t-that I t-touched and r-raped him. I o-only f-freaking kissed y-you and I'm s-sorry.'

'George? What?'

'I-,' George started. 'He-.'

I suddenly heard another person coming, this time Nick. He looked at me and George and back to me.

'I d-didn't t-touch him. I-I k-kissed h-him, because I l-like him. W-why would I-. Y-you know l-leave it, y-you w-won't believe me a-anyway.'

I started feeling even worse and my eyes rolled away. I felt someone grabbing my wrist.

'His heartbeat is really low,' I think Darryl whispered.

I started breathing slower and my eyes rolled away again, this time making my vision completely black.

'Stay awake, stay with me, Clay,' Darryl said, but it was too late.

It took only me ten more seconds to lose consciousness and to pass out for a long time.

715 words

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