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*None, I think

George and I ate dinner together and after that George went to go for a small walk. I was watching three more videos, one of George, one of Sapnap and one of BadBoyHalo. After I had watched the three videos and George had given me some more medicine, I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up very late in the morning, I felt a little better, but not too much. I decided to take a shower if George agreed with that and called him. He came upstairs with some soup and medicine.

'Here, I already prepared you something.'

'Thanks,' I said after swallowing the pills. 'Can I maybe, when I drank the soup, go and take a shower? I feel so dirty after no shower for a week or something.'

'Yeah, of course,' George nodded. He pointed at a door. 'The shower is there.'


It took me ten minutes to finish my cup of soup and I stood up slowly. All my muscles were hurting just so much, but I wanted to take a shower. I stumbled towards the shower and closed the door behind me. I undressed quickly and turned on the shower. I looked at my face in the mirror and startled. George was right, I looked like I had just risen from the death. I giggled by my own thoughts and stepped in the shower, quickly washing my hair with George's shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body and turned the shower off, dressing up after drying off.

I stumbled across the room towards George's bedroom and fell down in bed. George came in.

'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, I'm exhausted now.'

'Do you want me to get you something?'

'No, it's fine. I'm just bored.'

'I can stay here with you for some company?'

'If you want to.'

'Yeah sure, we can maybe play a game or something together? To get to know each other a little more, I mean we are roommates now.'

'Yeah, we could. I have no idea what to ask or something though.'

'Same, we can just look things up in Google.'

'Fine,' I giggled. 'Let's do it the easy way.'

'Always.' George started typing furiously fast on his phone and I giggled.

'Why the hell are you typing so fast?'

'Dude, I'm going to ask you really mean questions if you don't shut up.'

'Sure, I totally believe you.'

'What shows do you like?'

'I never watch any shows,' I laughed.

'Same, dude. What's your favourite sport?'

'I used to love football.'

'American football?'

'Nah, just soccer. I have played it for a little. What about you?'

'I like watching hockey, but I never really played it or anything.'

'Sounds like fun.'

'Yeah, so next question. What's your favourite food?'

'Taking me on a date already? Gosh, buy me a drink first.'

'Oh shut up. Definitely not when you're sick. I don't want your bacterias over me.'

'You're literally sitting next to me.'

'Well- I mean- I can just leave.'

'No, don't,' I giggled.

'But what's your favourite food or restaurant?'

'I like pizza, just the basics. You really want that date, don't you?'

'You're ugly as hell.'

'What the hell, thanks.' I laughed loudly and hit his shoulder.

'I'm kidding- I mean you- I-.'

I wheezed. 'Idiot.'

George turned slightly red and looked at his phone. 'Just shut up, you're so annoying. You know I can just kick you out.'

I pouted and crossed my arms. 'That's so mean. I'm weak, I'm sick. You can't do this to me. You're such a bad person, kicking a sick person out.'

'I didn't say I was going to kick you out now.'

'Let me sleep on the streets again, you will feel so bad and invite me over again.'

'I hate you so much.'

'I love you too.'

'Dude, you only know me a few days.'

'Yeah, and you want to take me on a date.'

'Okay, that's enough. I'm leaving.'

I wheezed loudly and laid down. 'Good, you're giving me a headache.'

'Oh yeah sure, I did it,' George giggled. 'Well, no more medicine for you.'

'Oh gosh, that's so mean. I'm sick! You can't leave me like this.'

'I was giving you a headache right?'

'Okay, okay. You didn't, now stop being an idiot and stay here.'

'Getting all your disgusting bacterias over me?'

'Are you going to kiss me?'

'Eww, no way. You cough a lot.'

'Well, wear a stupid mask then.'

'Okay, it's not that bad.' I giggled and George sat down again. 'Fine, I'll stay.'

757 words

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