Chapter 1

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I was walking through the woods trying to get as far as possible from the fire that engulfed the house. Every one is dead, yet I'm still alive. My breathing became ragged and tears rolled down my cheeks... my family is gone.

I've been walking for hours. Not caring if my body was aching in pain. It was a full moon which used to scare me from my past experiences. I heard leaves crunching, as if they were right next to me. I turned around and slowly started to back away. And that is when then five rouge werewolves jumped out, teeth bared.

I began hyperventilating, along with a clouded mind because of the pain moving through my body.

 'Please Angel, take over.'

 I felt my body shift into my white wolf, with the hairs on my back standing up on alert. I had no control over my body at this point. I let my wolf instincts take over so I could escape from this harsh reality. My inner wolf didn't attack with her bare teeth, but sat down and let out an ear piercing howl. When the howl was done I looked at the rouge werewolves wolves. They were dead, with blood leaking out of their ears.

Angel receded to the subconscious part of my being for me take control. I grabbed the backpack I've been carrying, making way in my wolf form for a couple of yards and then stopped at a tree and shifted back. I collapsed on the forest floor exhausted and cried my self to sleep.


I woke to the sun shining through the trees. I felt a sad smile form on my face. I'm not sure whether I should be happy about being alive, or whether I would be better off if I was also caught in the fire. 

I got back up and started walking again. My stomach started to growl, and a hunger pain hit my stomach. I swung my backpack to the front and pulled an orange out. After I peeled it, I ate it slowly, savoring the tangy taste.

After more hours of walking and trying to get the sticks and leaves out of my brown hair and trying to braid it, I came upon the border of werewolf territory. The pack that owned this land had men posted as a look out.

"State your business miss," one of the guards commanded.

I was rather stiff when he spoke to me. I could barely move, but I forced myself to say what I could. I had nothing to loose at this point. 

"I am Elina Rosa Rocker. I have recently became a rouge werewolf, with no relations. My pack was completely wiped out, with me being the only survivor." The guards stared at me and passed a look between each other. The slight nod they gave confirmed something was about to happen. 

"Take her to the Alpha," the other guard commanded.

The other guard grabbed my arm with out a second to waste and led me into the territory. Within some yards, the pack house became visible. It was massive, definitely bigger than my previous home. 

"What pack are you from?" I asked the guard.

"The Moonlight Pack."

I have heard some things about this pack. I knew that they were big and powerful, but is there a chance I could live here? What if they find out about my powers? Would they kill me?

My thoughts were cut short when we entered the house. I felt so dirty compared to all of the nice things that filtered the rooms. I was quickly led to an office, and place in the presence of who I would presume is the Alpha of the Moonlight pack. I tried to calm myself a little and not be so intimidated by their leader, but one wrong move and this Alpha could do what he wants to me. I looked up into his eyes and that is when it happened.


I thought I was just delusional when I heard the word echo through my head. It seemed almost too coincidental to happen. However, I couldn't explain the rise of my body temperature and the push from my wolf Angel to be near this Alpha. 

Redemption [Completed] Book 1 Of Awakened SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now