Chapter 28 - A Mother's Prerogative

Start from the beginning

Pouting, Jack shot a look at my Julian, who snorted and raised his hands. "There is no need for formalities here, James. We are family. Besides... I never would come between a man and his food."

Anna grinned, immediately reaching for the bread, only a second slower than her son.

The table descended into a comfortable silence as we began to eat.

I couldn't help but notice the similarities of Jack and Anna. Even the way they slurped soup was an exact mirror.

She had a fun, giddiness to her that I hadn't expected. Completely different from her careful and polished husband.

Hazel finished her bowl, setting down her spoon with another smile. "I think it is about time we talked about it, then, don't you?"

I took my time chewing my piece of bread, shooting a panicked glance at a still very relaxed Jack.

He smirked, leaning back, and throwing an arm over the back of my chair. "Since when are you guys so interested in who I am with?"

James raised an eyebrow at his son. "Since you are with the Alpha's daughter."

I eyed Julian curiously. He didn't seem to care that we were together now that he knew we were mated.

"Cut the crap, dad. We all know this is a rouse so you and mum can vet my mate." Jack took a sip of wine, fingers tracing circles on my bare shoulder.

His mum rolled her eyes. An expression so very Jack I half expected her to sprout some stubble. "We don't want to vet her Jack. We want to get to know her!" she turned to me, clinking her manicured nails against her glass. "Honestly. You're the first girl we ever get the pleasure to meet and he thinks we are the ones up to something."

The plates were being cleared with a slowness that told me that this dinner was as curious to the rest of the Pack as it was to all of us.

A bark of laughter interrupted the slight tension and Julian leaned forward. "Let's get this out of the way once and for all shall we? Your parents are under the impression that you two have been sneaking around for years." His eyes gleamed with a tinge of anger.

Jack's smile vanished, a low growl leaving his lips as he looked between his mother and father. "She was a pup... My student. You think so little of me?"

I chanced a glance at James, catching the exasperated expression he shot at my father.

Clicking his tongue again, James sighed. "It is not that we think little of you, Jack. But... it is easy to fall victim to these... things." The last word that slipped from his lips had a definite edge as his eyes fell on me.

"It was after I turned seventeen before I even knew of Jack's affections." I mumbled, feeling like I was under a microscope.

Beef and vegetables were placed before us, clouding the air with deliciously fragrant steam.

As the room cleared of waitstaff, Jack's mum cocked an eyebrow, clearly disbelieving. "And your affections for him? You can't expect us to believe you were unaware of the bond?".

Jack growled again, this time in chorus with Julian.

"Anna..." The Alphas gruff voice warned.

I felt my wolf bristle. Her anger heating my blood. "I did not know." I glanced at Jack for a moment, resting my hand on his arm. "I didn't have a wolf until recently... I had no way of knowing."

A server on the way over to our table with a new bottle of wine, gasped loudly, before turning a fiery shade of red. He deposited the bottle quickly, half running in his haste to leave.

Anna's eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean? That's not possible."

Hazel sighed loudly, a messy noise that was very uncharacteristic of her. "Charlie is telling the truth. Although Julian and I have talked at length and cannot fathom how or why. It is unheard of."

Anna squinted at me suspiciously before James laid a hand on her shoulder. "Anna, dear. Leave her be. This is not something any of us knows."

Julian's eyes flashed angrily. "This is why I never wanted this dinner. I knew Charlie would be picked at, like carrion below vultures."

Anna had the grace to bow her head. A flicker of shame tainting her pretty face. "I apologise, Alpha, Charlie." Her eyes landed on me again, this time softer. "I just worry. Maybe about the wrong things. But he is my only boy."

Jack groaned and shoved a fork of mashed potato into his mouth. Chasing it wine a large gulp of wine. "This has been even worse than I thought it would be. And you wonder why I never brought anyone home."

A smirk bloomed on his mum's face as she speared a piece of broccoli. "It's a mother's prerogative to embarrass her child."

I couldn't help but giggle at Jack's mortified expression, something I so rarely got to see.

Anna leaned over the table, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Charlie and I have to bond over something."

We all laughed again, the mood noticeably lighter.

Suddenly the door to the hall bounced open. Slamming loudly against the wall.

The three men and I were on our feet instantly. Eyes pinning the intruders in place.

Kyle and Callum stood, each with a hand in the hair of the man at their feet.

Their bodies were gleaming in the candlelight, all three with deep wounds.

Kyle snarled at his captor, tugging his hair back to reveal his face.

My heart stuttered in my chest as I felt the dinner that I had just eaten swirl uncomfortably in my stomach.

I heard the whimper leave my lips as Jack swirled to face me, his eyes tracing my face for clues.

I fell to my knees and retched, tears streaming down my face as I fought to keep the danger in my sights.

His face a perfect catalyst for a broken memory, I shuddered under the weight of the trauma that filled my mind.

I didn't want to see him, but I couldn't turn away.

My wolf howled in misery as my mind filled with fear and horror.

His, was one of the only faces I had seen in those terrible days.


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