"But the others.."

"They're okay, they got this."

Kobra let out another groan of pain, face going red and beads of sweat forming on his forehead and trickling down his cheeks.

"They're coming right now...Fuck..." He groaned.

Finally reaching the outside, Jet Star opened the door to the back of the car and laying his boyfriend down on the backseat. He quickly grabbed both of Kobras heavy black boots and pulled them off, tossing them to the side and then pulling the soaked maternity jeans down, and his underwear. He grimaced at the anatomy he saw, but now was not the time to complain.

Kobra was left to scream in agony while Jet opened the trunk of the car, grabbing the bag they had for the baby. It was filled with baby blankets and towels, bottles and a stuffed dog they bought. He grabbed a bunch of towels, laying one underneath Kobras lower body, covered his legs that were already in position so Kobra didnt freak out at what was happening, and one in hand, ready to grab and clean the baby up.

"Kobes, honey, breathe. Holding your breath isn't going to help." Jet said, calmly.

"I-I can't! Fuck!"

"I think you're ready to start pushing. Just...hold your breath and push as hard as you can, and then rest for a second."

Kobra couldn't even stop himself from screaming profanities as he bore down as hard as he could. The baby wasnt budging, he could tell.

"Thats good, you're doing great honey."

"Im gonna be a mom soon.."

"Yeah, you are. We're gonna be parents, but you gotta breathe. Push."

Kobra let out another scream, pushing once again. It took a full 40 minutes of screaming and crying, and Jet trying his best to comfort his boyfriend, till the babys head was crowning.

By now, Party and Ghoul had arrived, and they were by Kobras sides. They held both of his hands, gently drying the sweat from his forehead with a small hand towel.

"You're almost there Kobes...Just a little more pushing."

"No...No i cant do it!"

"Yes you can," Party reassured him, "You got this."

The babys head was finally out, Jet quickly cleaned it off with the towel in his hands, and was ready to support the rest of the baby when it came out. He could tell they had tanned skin, and thick, brown curly hair, but definitely had Kobras features.

The babys wails joined in with their mothers, and the cheering of Party and Ghoul. It was a bloody mess downwind, with lots of fluids and goop, much more blood than Jet would have wanted to see. But now, a shoulder was peeking out, and they were moments away from cradling a small infant.

"Come on, one more big push!" Jet yelled over Kobras screams and the babys cries. Him and his boyfriend made eye contact; Jets filled with wonder and joy, Kobras filled with the same.

Kobra screamed as loud as he could, squeezed down on both Partys and Ghouls hands as he pushed as hard as he possibly could.

Seconds later, he let out a deep sigh of relief; pain finally subsiding and a tremendous built up pressure melting away. And Jet? He was now holding a small baby girl in a towel, she was screaming and crying for her mother, who was doing the same. He quickly cleaned her up and placed her on Kobras chest, pulling his shirt down a little for skin-to-skin contact.

"You did it babe...We have a little girl.." Jet smiled, drying his bloody hands on Kobras soiled jeans that were tossed to the side.

"S-Shes gorgeous...H-Hi baby.." Kobra whined.

The baby stopped her crying, staring up at her mother with curious filled eyes. He smiled widely at his newborn daughter, tears streaming down his face.

"You did it, ma." Ghoul smiled, "Nice job. Shes pretty."

"Yeah, good job Kobes." Party added.

"Grace." Was all Kobra said.


"Thats her name. Grace Toro to us, but...her code name is...Missile Kid."


He and Jet had everything they wanted, it was good as it could get in the desert. A beautiful little family, a beautiful baby girl, that Kobra had carried for nine months and went through such severe agony to give birth to...but
Grace Gee Frankie Toro was here, and she was perfect.

Curly brown hair, tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes. A tiny button nose, full lips and Kobras signature chiselled jawline that was incredibly prominent considering she was just hours old.

She was beautiful, perfect in every possible way. Her mother and father and her uncles would keep her safe. Forever.

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