Chapter Thirty Six: Runaway

Start from the beginning

Her words made Shane feel uneasy. She said them without any emotion, just as if she was stating a fact. It freaked him out.

"Let me get you a blanket, okay?" he proposed, because she had goosebumps.

Shane quickly went to his bedroom and took a blue blanket, which was lying folded on the chair. He wrapped it around Hailie's body and kneeled in front of her, but she didn't even blink, looking at something behind him. He turned his head back, but there was nothing there.

"Don't worry, Shane. I'm safe there," she said.

"Maybe nothing happened now, but then again, people weren't dying in this house instantly. Sometimes it took them months or years before they became insane or dead."

He knew all the stories. Living in a town with a haunted house, it was obvious that everybody was curious about the history of this place. He believed that in the library there was a whole section about The Bloody Mansion.

"You don't understand. This house... It's like you having a friend. The most amazing friend, the true one. But then this friend does something really, really bad. And again, and again. And even if you know that the bad things won't stop, you can be sure that nothing is going to happen to you. Because it's a friend. A friend wouldn't hurt you."

She believed that she was safe there. Pride wouldn't let anybody kill her. Not even her demon buddies could do that.

Hailie wasn't scared of the house and demons living inside. She lived there a short time, but it was the best time of her life. But after finding out the truth, after knowing about the deaths that will continue, could she really still live there? And yet she couldn't imagine leaving this house. That was the problem. She could neither stay nor leave. Was she a bad person because of that? She couldn't stop demons from their evil methods of providing themselves fun, but still she was willing to live under the same roof as them. She was willing to talk to them and unfold more about their existence. At the same time Hailie wished to separate herself from everything connected to demons and the house. She was so lost in her thoughts, that it became blurry what she really wished for.

"Don't get me wrong, but I think that you need a break from the house. I'm glad you came to me."

He didn't want to say to Hailie that she sounded a little bit like a lunatic. He thought that she was holding on well, but it clearly wasn't the truth. Then, what else did he expect after someone living in The Bloody Mansion? Sooner or later this house was affecting everybody, who has ever set foot in there.

"I think I need a break to think by myself," she agreed.

"And you need to relax, so let me make you something to eat and we can watch a movie together? Sounds good?"

She sent him a weak smile. A movie was a good idea. And later she could go to sleep and forget for a moment about all those troublesome things.

"Sounds good. I can find something. Maybe an action movie?"

He laughed, surprised by her proposition.

"And there I thought I would be forced to watch a romance."

She looked into his bright, green eyes.

"I can still change my mind, so be careful."

"Is that a threat, miss?"

She shrugged and got in a mood for some provocation. The longer she was looking at Shane the more she wanted to hug into him again.

"And what if it is?"

He stood up, looking at Hailie from the top. His muscular figure made Hailie wondering how much he was practicing. Did police officers have everyday training? Could she watch?

"Then, I'm afraid," he smirked like he had an idea what to do with her, "I'll have to tickle you." He quickly fulfilled his threat, what made Hailie laugh loudly.

"I give up! I give up! No romance movies!"

Shane was still leaning over her. Their faces were so close to each other and the tension was growing. How easy it would be to kiss her now, to feel her smooth lips. He could make the first step, but then he noticed uncertainty in Hailie's eyes. He got a feeling she wasn't ready, and he couldn't blame her for that. After all the suffering because of Jayson's actions, it was nothing unusual that she didn't trust men. Even though Shane wanted to kiss Hailie so badly, he moved aside, giving her all the time and space she needed. She felt safe enough to come to his apartment in her moment of fear. He didn't want to ruin it by some reckless actions.

"So, I propose some popcorn and sandwiches for the movie, might be?"

She smiled gratefully.

"Yes, it's perfect."


Like the story so far? 

Check out also my other book - "The Death's Game"

It's set in the same universe ;)

With Love, Caroline ❤️

Ig: Caroline_Korlins  

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