Chapter 82 "Reflection"

Start from the beginning

Miranda:...are you sure Conal? Daniel might harm you if you're out alone with him

Conal:Ah it'll be fine Miranda. He wouldn't do something like that...I'll come back in a few minutes

Danny was staring at the quiet forest while sitting on a boulder that was beside the small cabin. He kept looking at his bitten hand as he tries to summon the fist but it wouldn't work, he was being more tired from trying to heal a dying wolf. How could he even save the captives from the H'ylthri if he can't even summon his fist? How worthless was he?

Danny, did I tire myself out? There must be another way to fight the H'ylthri without the use of the fists right? I'm not that useless am I? I trained for situations like this and yet I feel so useless, even Conal and Miranda have to come with us. It feels weird seeing them after a year had passed, they changed alot. Do they even know me being king soon? Heh doubt it...


Danny didn't turn around to the direction of the voice. The person stood beside him as they caught their breath, turns out the boulder Danny was sitting on was actually a bit far from the cabin. He only gave a side eye glance at the figure beside him, turns out it was Conal.

Danny:What did you came here for? I'll go back in later

Conal:We need to talk Danny


Conal:I get seeing each other again is awkward and don't want to see each other after how things ended...but you should atleast understand why we left

Danny:You left me alone in the snow. I was there for probably hours and you two left me there to freeze, guess who had to take punishment for letting you two leave? I think I still have those whipping scars on my back from that day

Conal:...we had no choice Danny. You of all people should understand

Danny just remained quiet, his lip quivering. What should he say? Conal didn't seem to be asking him more about what happened when they parted. It would make sense why he had to leave the city but coldly leaving Danny was hard to either be grateful or mad about his decision of leaving him if so many people were going after him. Should Danny understand his situation? They escaped punishment to be freely together due to strict rules and left him behind...How would Danny even understand his logic? I don't understand Conal. How am I supposed to understand? That doesn't brush the fact that you left me and home, you should have looked into another option in the first place before recklessly running away with my- Miranda
*he instantly corrected himself as he gotten off the boulder, he was heading into the forest for a short walk as Conal spoke loudly to him from that same spot he was standing in*

Conal:Daniel! Be in my shoes for a split second! Did you think that we wanted to leave you?! We would have been more than happy for you to have come with us but you didn't! You weren't willing to let us go by believing that there's a second option! There wasn't! Sometimes you just do what you have to do to survive...I highly doubt you've been properly taught on that from the Thunderer're a coward. You both are. You just didn't want to look embarrassed in front of Yu-Ti by asking my help, so you thought it was way easier to run away and leave me...

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