Chapter 16. Rain

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Skye had left two days ago for that military boot camp for seven days. I was still convinced that it's a bad move but will she listen to me? Nope, why would she. However, Optimus told me to go after her but stay in the shadows so she won't see me. I tracked her phone and arrived after a day of driving. I parked my alt-mode and hid behind some trees. Sometimes I really hate the shit weather earth produces, the rain and hail.

I spotted Skye lined up in a row with older mechs around the age of 30 perhaps 35 or even 40 and as the only female, she looked like a misfit. I had expected to see more drive and energy in her eyes, but to me, it looked like she didn't have any spirit. Why if she wanted this so badly, did she look so disappointed and sad? I know it's her first day, perhaps it's the rain. I followed Skye the whole morning and her leg was protesting. On the parts she was alone I saw her stopping and groaning. I warned her, I predicted this was going to happen but she didn't want to listen.

Besides her leg, the sergeant kept screaming at her, pushing her over her limit. Calling her a snail and worthless piece of organic material. That would be something for me to say... The first training session ended and Skye looked exhausted already. This is strange to me, she's used to be pushed and work in difficult weather. It's not her first boot camp and even though she's a female and teen, she should do this easily. Perhaps pain is acting up...

The other soldiers gathered around her when the Seargent gave me them thirty minutes off. I just mentally begged for her to not start a fight. I love humans fight, it's funny and looks silly sometimes, but Skye wouldn't make a change on her own, injured and because she's not really the strongest of the group. I heard her snap, but I don't think her words would change anything about the situation.

She got thrown on the floor with lots of force. She ended up in the mud and for some reason, she looked so fragile and weak right now. I never really saw this side of her. Am I going to jump in or not? It's low anyway that these guys, experienced soldiers are making fun of a teenage girl who's trying to fit in the group.

I think she hurt her leg because she stayed on the floor. The group of soldiers walked off, leaving her behind. Skye sat down against a tree and rubbed around the wound. I doubted, am I going to approach or not. I wasn't sure if she's going to appreciate or not.

I decided to approach her after ten minutes and she hadn't moved. She looked up to me when I crouched down. "What are you doing here?" She hissed. I gave her a look and ignored. "Can you get up?" I asked. "Yes! I am just resting sk get out of here and leave me alone!" She snarled. I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her up.

She hit my chest as I did so and I believed to see a blush spreading over her cheeks. "What?" She snarled, pushing me away. I shook my head and sighed softly. "Leave!" She snapped and limped away. I am not going to leave and returned to my alt-mode, turning up the heaters to warm up my holoform and attempt to get dry but seriously everything was wet, even my underwear.

The next following days weren't going well for Skye either. She got bullied a lot and this wasn't working. I knew but if she wanted to accept it? People will never accept her if Skye starts working there.
I walked into the small base and found her. She was sitting on the bed and had buried her face in her hands. "Come on, Skye... Let's go," I said. She looked at me and said nothing. She didn't say anything to me, not even when we got on the road. She looked down at her lap, she looked so sad.

I grasped her hand but she pulled back and looked out of the window. Around 6, we made a stop in a town where I got a room in a hotel. "Take a shower, you'll feel better," I said and opened the bag I had with me. "You got me extra clothes?" I nodded and watched her disappear in the bathroom. When she got back, I had a brilliant idea.

((Skye's P.O.V))
"I have an idea for our dinner tonight," Sunstreaker stated. I sat down to relieve my leg a little. "There's a Japanese restaurant across the street, perhaps we can eat there."
It sounded good and I am starving. As long as I don't get reminded about the bootcamp it's fine.

We left the hotel and got a table in the Japanese restaurant. I wasn't say much, just a simple 'yes' or 'no'. He didn't ask for more either. Sunstreaker got sushi but since I am not a big fan of Sushi. We ate in silence, neither of us said anything and what am I supposed to say? He was right...

Sunstreaker glanced at me and decided to say something for the first time since we got here. "Are you going to stay at N.E.S.T?" He didn't look at me while asking. Probably because he assumed he would get a nasty glare from me. "I ruined my changes... so I've no choice," I sulked.

Sunstreaker glanced at me and said: "it's not that bad... people just don't understand."

I snorted and shrugged my shoulders. "Perhaps..."
Sunstreaker glanced briefly at me. "Who hit you?" He asked. "How am I supposed to know?" I snapped. "Don't you wanna know?" He asked. "No, it doesn't matter," I growled grumpily. "It does..." he said. "But perhaps we should talk about it another time..." he added.

When we got back Sunstreaker watched TV while laying on the double bed and I started to realize that I am supposed to share it with him. Obviously he's not going to sleep on the couch, even if I would yell at him and other way around. "What are you thinking?"
"Why should I tell you?" I growled,— snapping. Sunstreaker sighed and turned off the TV, "you're always snapping. Even I am not always snapping and yelling," he said. "So? Are we twins?" I snapped grumpily. He gave me a look.

"Anyway, are you going to lay next to me or are you going to lay on the couch?" He asked challenging. "Why don't you lay on the couch," I snapped. He laughed icily, "not a change..." he said, laying back down. I had already changed in pj and laid down close to the edge. We stared at each other for a moment. "I am not toxic," he mocked. "What do you expect? That I snuggle into you!?" I snapped and turned on my side only to forget the bed already ended. With a loud thud I collapsed on the floor.

I heard Sunstreaker grin and look over the edge. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shot him a glare and pushed him away. "Idiot!" I snapped. "Idiot? What did I do?" He mocked. "Everything!" I snapped. "I hope you step on Lego..." I scowled mentally. He smirked and laid down. "You're so grumpy," he muttered. I closed my eyes and fell in a restless slumber...

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