Chapter 6. Warning

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I woke up, my head throbbing and tied up in a chair. I couldn't move my hands or feet. I groaned, trying to free my wrists. "Good to see you awake..." I shot Sunstreaker with a glare. "What are you going to do? My fingernails are already missing!" I sneered. "I think that you still don't fully know who I am..." he said. "The biggest moron on earth?" I sneered. He shot me a glare but stayed icily calm. "Perhaps you should have a look in the mirror... no, tonight, I am going to show you that it's a bad thing to disobey and snap at me..." he stated.

My face turned in a frown and I felt a wave of discomfort wave through me. "So...?" I asked, giving him a look to hide my nerves. "So you are impatient too?" he mocked, turning away from me. I snorted and looked around me, "you aren't even supposed to be on earth," I scowled under my breath. Sunstreaker looked at me again, his eyes were bright red glowing. As if he was a terminator. I gasped and stared at him as he approached, sliding the blunt side of his knife over my face.

"You aren't even supposed to be alive... after tonight you won't yell or snap at me anymore," he said near my ear. I didn't reply to that and watched him walk away. I pulled on the ropes again, but it had no use. He tied me up too tight. I jolted a little as I heard someone sneering and shouting. Sunstreaker brought in a soldier, around the age of 50, and threw him on the floor right in front of me. He shut the metal door and crossed his arms. "This guy... insulted me this morning. Just like you did... I hit him, wasn't enough and he challenged me. Something I hate... people don't challenge me," he sneered. The guy glared at me and then at Sunstreaker. As if this is all my fault.

I know this guy, he's not the friendliest person at the base. I am not saying I am nice, but he bullies people and that's something I didn't do. I hate bullying, when I push someone off the stairs, it's because they had something. Steward was hired three years ago around the time I came to the base as well. From the beginning, he had been mean to me too but a year after, I showed him I didn't like his attitude. Sunstreaker looked down at us, a shadow fell upon his face. He made me feel something I hadn't felt for a very long time. Fear.

I slowly started to believe that I made a mistake, but my ego didn't allow me to admit it and try to get out of this situation. Instead, I asked him something else. "What are you going to do, Sunstreaker..." my voice was softer than I wanted it to be. "Let me tell you something, Skye... million of years ago, before the war began... I was thrown onto the streets and taken by some bots... they forced me to fight in the arena. They forced me to kill and torture people. I was already damaged by the abuse and rape... I couldn't control my anger... and started to enjoy suffering other people. Seeing them die and bleed gave me power... when the war started, I was assign to torture people... I have used quite a lot of cruel methods. It's quite unusual for a young mech like me to be like this... however, I would like to show you my methods and when I finish... you will apologize to me for snapping and kicking me. I also want you to tell me I am right..."

I clenched my teeth together, "if you refuse... then you will face the same fate as this human mech, female or not," he said. Steward got up, trying to get away, but Sunstreaker grabbed his neck and threw him back on the floor. I could barely imagine the strength Sunstreaker has in his arms and chest. He tied Steward up and looked at me. "Enjoy the show..."
I slightly narrowed my eyes at him while Sunstreaker turned away from me. He's crazy! And they say I am a psycho and insane. I closed my eyes as he grabbed the pinchers. I felt my heartbeat pounding against my chest. The screams echoed off against the walls and in my mind. I felt like being in the middle of a horror show. I looked up as Sunstreaker stood in front of me, holding up his hand to show me what he cut off. I shivered visibly at seeing the fingers.

The entire time, Steward was awake even when Sunstreaker cut open his stomach and most of his organs fell out. Didn't take long for him to die though, the insane amount of blood he lost was nearly impossible to survive. Sunstreaker now turned towards me, seeing the horror on my face made him smirk. "Aren't you supposed to say something?" he asked. I clenched my jaws together, "Well?" he snapped, his eyes still red. It's not worth dying, "I am sorry, you were right," I said. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at him. "If you snap or hit me one more time... you'll end him like this mech..." he sneered before cutting me free. I got up quickly and without saying anything else I left.

I returned to my room as soon as possible, slamming the door closed, and paced around a bit. He's crazy, I don't even want to stay at the base knowing Sunstreaker is wandering around. I sat down on my bed, burying my face in my hands. I felt frustrated, why couldn't he stay in space or wherever he came from. I took a shower and tried to get some sleep, but the screams still echoed through my mind, and the images I had in my head kept hunting me.

Lost souls - Sunstreaker حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن