Chapter 7. Worse?

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((Sunstreaker P.O.V))
I watched Skye, she ignored me completely and I knew she had stopped me. How can she miss my alt-mode and color? She was looking through some guns. After two days ago, she didn't talk to me and avoided me at all costs. I don't really mind, as long as she is behaving I am good and according to fellow Autobots, she's quite easy on them. Although, that doesn't count for the human males. Skye turned around, not making optic contact with me, and simply walked off.

"What did you do to her?"
I glanced at Prowl and shrugged. "Aren't you happy?" I asked. He crossed his arms over his chassis. "I solved the problem..." I snapped. "No, you didn't. Prime wants to talk to you... he's in the Autobot hanger," he said. I grunted and stalked over to the next hanger. "What is it, Prime..." I sighed, crossing my arms over my yellow chassis. "It's about Skye..." he trailed off. "You too? Seriously? I solved the damn problem..." I snapped. "You didn't! You made it worse..." he snapped. "Worse?" I repeated in disbelief. "She approached major Lennox this morning... she wants to leave," he said. "So? If she's gone then we got rid of her right?" I snapped.

"We need her, Sunstreaker. She has a lot to offer and I know she's difficult at times, but something made her like this and I truly believe that she can change. We don't want to harm her, she's human... we don't harm humans and I highly disagree with what you did to her. Making her have pain won't help the whole situation either. You need to communicate... talk to her!" he snapped. I vented heavily and gave him a look. "I want you to be her guardian... and I want you to be in charge but without hurting her. Are you able to do that or not?"

I nodded, looking away from Prime. "I think that if she has someone she can trust it will get better," he stated. "Why from all mechs do you ask me? You know I hate humans and that I can't work with them," I sulked. "Yes, I know that... but you can maybe reach her. Promise me you will not hurt her anymore... I don't think we have to worry about the fact she's going to leave the base because no one will hire a teenager... but still... if she runs off we have a big problem."

"Okay... I get it," I grumbled and turned around. I transformed and drove off. Great, now I am Skye's guardian. I activated my holoform when I reached the hanger and decided to search for her. I still wonder how she's able to disappear in thin air and I thought only Mirage is able to disappear. I didn't succeed in finding her either. Perhaps she left the base or what.
I gave up after 20 more minutes. I don't even know what I wanted to reach by talking to her. She dislikes me just as much as I dislike her. Instead of wasting my time talking or attempting to talk to Skye, I decided to try out the gym this base has. When I strode into the gym and changed my clothing into sports pants and a yellow tank top, I spotted the femme. So, I have had every corner of the base she's hanging around in the gym?

I hadn't expected her to be here either. Not with the pain in her hands. I didn't feel guilty for doing it, she deserved it, but I know it's painful. Otherwise, she didn't pass out when I was doing it. Skye was completely in her element. This time she hadn't noticed me while doing some workouts. I took the opportunity to study her for a moment. Her white fair skin was pale as if she had a lack of sleep. Her long straight blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She had a nice slim body posture, very sleek. I don't think she's underweight, but I did see some bones. Lennox told me she's fast and her body confirmed that. She's perfectly in shape. Not really muscular and I don't think she will ever be muscular, but she used her speed instead. She wore a tank top and on her left shoulder blade, I stopped something. A scar or it looked like a symbol to me, but I couldn't clearly see it since her tank top covered it a little and she was moving too much. I think the scar is 2 inches big.

She then stopped and spotted me. With a huff, she turned away from me again and grabbed her water bottle in order to leave the gym. Quickly I blocked her way to her annoyance. "Perhaps we should train together," I said, staring straight into her eyes. "Why?" she snapped. I tilted my head a little and pushed her against the wall, grasping her throat. "Because... Optimus assigned me to be your guardian and your boss... I have much more experience than you!" I snapped. "I rather want you to kill me instead of working with you!" she snapped, glaring at me. "The same way as I did to Steward?" I snapped back. There fell a silence between us, a very tensed silence. "You know what I want from you, Skye... you also know I am going to hurt you if you refuse..." I snapped. She huffed and looked really pissed off, but what could she do to me.

"I'll let you go now, but tomorrow morning I want you to meet me at 7 Am in the training room. Clear?" I snapped. "Or what, Sunstreaker?" she snapped. "You know what I will do if you don't obey me!" I snapped and threw her on the floor. She groaned and glared at me, "just for you to realize... I will not have your back on the battlefield. I will always choose for myself and if that means you die... then so be it! I hope you can rely on your fellow Autobots..." she snarled before turning around.

She's absolutely a feisty one, femmes nor mechs don't stand up to me and she does. Although I think it's brave, I don't tolerate it. I now realize why some bots called her a female version of me, she really reminds me of myself...

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