Chapter 10. Mission

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The next following days had been quiet. Sunstreaker didn't come to visit me nor anyone else and I spent my time alone. Until now, Sunstreaker marched in like he owned the place but I barely responded to him. "Get your gear, we are leaving in ten minutes..."

I gave him a look and shrugged. "I am not going anywhere," I snapped. "Skye, I am not going to play games now? We need to leave and you missed the debriefing too!" He snapped. "Yup, because I don't give a fuck, and since you're so amazing..." I scoffed. "... you can do it yourself, so good luck."

He growled, "get up you lazy aft!" He sneered. "Nope, call whatever you want but I am not going to join you. I am actually quite comfortable here." I said, giving him a look. He was boiling with anger, "weren't you the one who told me I am just a simple human, a teenager and I am worthless? That were your words..."

"Get. up!"

His voice was dangerous and aggressive. "I said no! Even if I do get up I refuse to fight, perhaps I aim a gun at your head!" I snapped. "People's lives are at risk! So stop being cocky and stubborn and get your ass in the hanger!" He shouted. "Let me quote you... 'I am more experienced' that's literally what you said to me a couple of days ago... so, since you know it all too well, you can do it yourself, bye Sunstreaker."

"I am in charge here. Now get up!" He screamed and threw me off the bed. He grabbed my hair and dragged me towards the gear room. With a huff and I grabbed some stuff. "I am not going to have your damn back, Sunstreaker!" I screamed at him. "Skye! That's enough! Stop fighting!" Lennox snapped, interrupting. "I am not going anywhere!" I sneered and pushed Sunstreaker aside but he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. "You will!" He sneered.

He dragged me to his alt-mode and locked me up. I rolled my eyes and leaned back. I have always been good at knowing what is going on and for some reason, I sometimes just knew there was something off like a hidden bomb or an ambush. For so people never took that seriously, only when I was right.

During our drive, I said nothing to Sunstreaker. I don't know what to say either. He did explain to me the plan but I am not going to have his back at all. He dragged me into this shit without even asking me if that's what I wanted. So, since he knows it all too well, he can do it on his own.

Once arrived, it was already chaos and Sunstreaker mixed the wrestling medal. I kept my distance fired here and there but didn't move away from my spot. This is ridiculous, how can they possibly call this a plan. Even a grandma could do this better, nevertheless, I stayed in the background. I watched Sunstreaker kill Decepticon after Decepticon and I stopped firing.

The fact that this wasn't a big group told me something is about to happen. Sometimes I have these weird flashbacks or visions, I wasn't sure, and allowed me to see what was going to happen. This time, when I got back to reality, I didn't do anything. Lennox had shouted at me the last time and Sunstreaker told me he knew it all too well.

"Skye! Move to the right!" Sunstreaker ordered me. "Uhm no, that's going to get me killed. There's a bomb and it will go off but since you know it all too well, you already know!" I sneered. "What are you talking about!" He hissed. I leaned against the tree. "You said you're so amazing then show it!" I shouted. He glared daggers at me but had no time to react. "Stupid idiot!" I snarled, loading my rifle. I left the scene, moving towards the North.

The bomb went off just like I predicted and the last remaining Decepticons fled into the sky. Most of them are seekers anyway. I waited near a vehicle and watched injured people walk around. I didn't drive with Sunstreaker either. In fact, I don't even know where he is and I didn't care either.

Back at the base I dumped my gear and was about to leave as Sunstreaker grabbed my neck and dragged my ass back into the hanger. "You knew about the bomb!" He sneered. "Yes of course I knew you, idiot! I told you!" I snarled and pushed him away.

"That's enough, Skye!"

I glared at Optimus who gave me a strict look. "People died because of you!" Lennox sneered. "Shut up!" I shouted. "Last time I was the reckless one, I was doing it wrong and I wasn't sticking to your stupid plan!" I sneered. "We told you that you shouldn't act without telling us first!" Optimus said angrily. "Oh really? Do you think I have time to come look for you and politely ask you if I can take out a bomb?" I spat out.

"I don't think so... this plan was chaotic anyway. "You should've done better!" I sneered. "And just for the record, last time I told you about the damn bomb before we went into battle. I warned you guys for the ambush but who listens to a stupid teenager like me? It's your own fault that I didn't tell and I am done trying either!" I shouted. Sunstreaker hit my head, "show some respect, fleshbag!" He sneered. "Says you!" I snarled.

"Go to hell! Why don't you just leave, you would do us a big favor!" He snarled. "I am leaving next month!" I shouted and pushed him away from me. "I am moving to Texas..." I added coldly. There fell a silence, "what?" Lennox asked, confused. "You heard me! I am going to join the airforce and I am leaving next month!" I sneered before I turned around and stormed off.

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