Chapter 9. Frustration

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Skye stormed off and left me here behind. Glass shattered all over the floor. She seemed to be so upset and frustrated. I don't want to say I feel guilty or anything, but seeing her like this bothered me. Perhaps because I am her boss and guardian. I sighed and turned around, trying to find her but she had vanished again. This time, she wasn't in the training room either. I ended up on the medbay and sat down on the medical bed. Ratchet didn't look up from what he was doing. "Skye is injured..."

"What did you do this time?" he snapped. "She shattered her mirror because she's frustrated and angry," I said. Ratchet perked his head up and stared at me. "It's my fault, I laughed at her after she got rejected by Major Miller... apparently he's head of the air and land forces in Kentucky. Lennox will probably know him..." I said. "She's searching for other bases?" he asked, laying his Ipad down. I nodded and watched him shake his head.

"That's not good... we should try to find her," he sighed. We split up but failed to find her. "Where can she be?" I asked. "I don't know... sometimes she likes to use the vents... she slim enough to crawl through it, although, she's 5'11 ft tall so little tight here and there," he said. "She has a scar on her back... some sort of symbol. How did she get it?" I asked. He shook his head slightly, "I have no idea... she didn't tell me," he replied.

"So, we are not going to find?" He asked. "No, I don't think so..." he replied with a sigh. Slightly annoyed, I retreated to my room to paint and just clear my mind a little. I hoped it would show up soon or later. Although, something inside of me told me that can take a while. She's just so upset about something. I don't really understand her.

((Skye's P.O.V))

I hated the throbbing and stinging pain in my hand. A part of it created my Sunstreaker and the other 50% was created by myself when I slammed the mirror into a thousand pieces.

I pulled my legs higher to my chest. No one will come looking for me in the brig. They don't use it that often anyway and I doubted Sunstreaker would come down here either.

He laughed at me, Sunstreaker thinks I am not serious about it but I am. After all, Sunstreaker is taking my place and they don't need me anymore. I got up, perhaps the base in Kentucky didn't want me, but that's not the only base.

Back in my room, I cleaned up the mess and wrapped my hand in bandages before I made some phone calls and sent some emails.

Around the evening, Sunstreaker quietly walked into my room while I was sitting in the bed, scrolling through the internet. "Where have you been, Skye?" He questioned. "Not any of your damn business, Sunstreaker," I sulked. He sighed and stared at me, "what do you want? Here to laugh at me again?" I snapped. "I can if you want to!" He snapped back. I ignored his comment. "How's your hand?"

"Fine," was my brief reply.

Sunstreaker sighed and crossed his arms. "Let's visit Ratchet..." he said. "Did I ask for your advice? First of all, if o go I won't go with you and second of all, I don't need you to tell me what to do..." I said coldly without looking up. "Skye, stop being like this!"

"Or what? Going to cut me open? You would do me a favor. Now piss off and leave me alone, Sunstreaker!" I snapped. Without saying anything else he left and slammed the door closed. Although, he had informed Ratchet because the medic strode in 10 minutes later.

"Show me your hand, Skye."

I snorted and shot him a glare, "I already took care of it!" I snapped. "Do you want it to get affected or what?" He snapped. He sat on the edge of my bed and unwrapped my hand. It's not even that bad and he was done very quickly. "Good, why did you do it?" He asked.

I shit him a glare, "don't pretend you like me because you never did now fuck odd and bother someone else!" I sneered. He huffed and got up, "you should be some nicer, Skye."

"Why? Are you guys so nice then?" I mocked without looking. "Yeah, we are. In fact, you should be happy!" He snapped. "Why exactly? Because I am stuck with a psycho?" I mocked. "He is not my guardian nor my boss. I won't let him boss me around!" I snapped. "He will and you will listen to him!" Ratchet snapped.

"I won't!"

"Yes, you will!" He snapped. I huffed and shook my head. "He has more experience than you do and if you want to keep joining us during missions then you'll obey him!" He snapped. "Joining you on missions? I don't think so... Sunstreaker says he's so amazing so he can do it on his own..." I sneered. "Don't be ridiculous!" He snarled. "It's true! I mean everyone is saying it. Sunstreaker is better, Sunstreaker is more experienced. Well let him prove it, Let's see if he can save as many lives as I did," I snapped.

Ratchet snorted, "you are jealous because someone replaced you!" He snapped. "I know what I am doing and I know more than you guys think. Who will listen to a stupid teenager like me?" I sneered,—asking.

"Besides, am I not a danger on the battlefield? Let Sunstreaker do it, then he can show off his skills!" I snapped.

Ratchet snorted and turned around, slamming the door closed behind him. I hated Sunstreaker for being here and taking my place. I deeply hated it but what can I do? If he knows everything so well then he can do it on his own. After all, I am just a teenager...

Lost souls - Sunstreaker Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon