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Things are still as perfect as ever here. We all have jobs that we tend to everyday, Newt and I are pretty much still track hoes. We have also expanded the safe haven, more people show up here every day. With Mary here she has made it to where using Thomas and I's blood she is able to make cures, so we have started letting infected people in and curing them. It's amazing what this place has turned into. Newt and I are also officially married and it's been amazing, he's so sweet and this is the life I always envisioned with him.
Lately, I have been feeling super sick so I'm going to talk to Mary. I hope it isn't leftover from anything WCKD did to me, that's my biggest fear. Newt is insist on coming with me because he has been so worried. We arrive at our now Medical Tent and Mary is there working on some things with the cure. "Y/N, Newt! Please come in" she welcomes us "what brings you two by?" She says pleasantly "well.. recently I have been getting really sick every morning, my body has been really sore, and I can't eat any of the foods I use to.. I'm really worried that something is leftover from WCKD." I say to her biting my nails from nerves Mary chuckles a bit "Y/N.. nothing is leftover from WCKD, but there is something left and I believe that would be a baby." Mary says smiling. "A baby?!" Newt says in pure excitement "Yes! Congratulations you two!" Mary responds. Newt pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my forehead "This is perfect Y/N.. what we have always wanted." Newt says "I hope it's a little boy.." I say back "so he can be just like his dad." I say looking up at Newt who has tears in his eyes "If it's a little boy, we can name him Alby." His eyes light up as he says that "of course, that's a perfect name." I respond "okay, I need to go find Brenda and tell her." I say back kissing his cheek and running off to find my best friend. I spot her sitting next to Thomas at a table, I join them and sit next to my brother. "I'm very sorry to interrupt, but I have something very exciting to tell you both." I say smiling
They both look at me eagerly "Okaaaay?!" Brenda says wanting to know what I'm about to say "I'm pregnant!" I announce. Brenda looks at me with a shocked look on her face "Y/N, you are not gonna believe this....but so am I!" She blurts out and I get up pulling her into a hug. Thomas also stands up and waits his turn for a hug. "Congratulations sis" he says smiling and giving me a bear hug. I see newt walk over out of corner of my eye and Thomas walks over to him and gives him a hug as well, "congratulations man" he says "to you as well, I overheard." Newt says smiling.
All of this almost feels unreal, knowing we are safe and get to finally love what I assume are normal lives. And newt and I are finally getting the one thing we always wanted, a family. I couldn't be any more happy as I look around at our safe haven end the home and community we have made here. I look to my husband that I'm glad is even alive today, when everything was against him he fought for his life and is still here today. He wears a big proud smile on his face as he and Thomas discuss the fact they are both becoming fathers. It's honestly a beautiful sight. I look at my best friend Brenda, who also fought her ass off her entire life to be here. She deserves this so much.
Newt walks over to me and gives me a tight hug, I wrap my arms around his body and look up at him smiling. "I love you sweet heart." He says kissing my forehead "I love you too Newtie." I giggle as I say that. "We finally made it, together." He said looking out over the ocean. "Together." I smile and he places his lips softly on mine.


I can't believe this... i got emotional writing these last two parts lol. I will be writing an epilogue so stay tuned for that! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
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Thank you 💕

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