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"Well...nice plan Thomas." I say as I hang up side down along with the rest of my friends. "Oh shut up Y/N. Did you have a better one?!" Thomas snapped I rolled my eyes at his remark. All the blood is rushing to my head and I just know that this is the end for us. There is no way we are gonna survive this. I hear footsteps and a man laughing as he gets within my eye sight. "You guys ready to talk?" The man who I assume is named Jorge says. None of us talk and he grabs on to a handle and knocks us down a notch getting us lower to the ground. It knocked the breath completely out of me. "My men want to sell you guys back to WCKD. They think small, I'm not like that. Something tells me you aren't either." He says looking at both Thomas and I. "Tell me what you know about the right arm." Jorge demands "Thought you said they were ghosts?" Newt snaps back "I happen to believe in ghosts." He smirks back he goes to drop us one more and I scream "No wait! They are hiding in the mountains. They attacked WCKD and they got out a bunch of kids! That's all we know!" I yell in a panic. A tall muscular man walks in "Hey what's going on?" He says "Me and my new friends were just getting aquatinted." He says before he turns to walk away. "You aren't gonna help us?!" Thomas says to Jorge "Don't worry Hermano, we will get you kids back to where you belong. Hang tight." He laughs and walks off. I smirk at his response, if I wasn't hanging upside down I would probably cry thinking about going back to that place.
Some time passes as we are trying to think of a plan on how we could get out of this situation. By this time I couldn't see straight due to being outside for so long. We had come up with a plan for Newt to grab my waist and pull my backwards and push me towards the line that was holding us all up. "Alright I got you." Newt says as she pushes he forward snd I just barley missed it. "Come on Newt! Push her harder!" Thomas yells he grabs me a second time and pushes me forward this time I'm able to grab it. I pull myself up and right way up and accidentally drop my friends lower. "Sorry guys!" I chuckle a little as a I untie my feet. All of my friends get up and we are all on our feet. That's when we hear the rat man announcing that WXKD was back. "shit shit shit!" Thomas yells. We all start to run as we are met face to face by the man from earlier "Jansen, I got them for you." He say over a radio. Thomas punched him in the face and he holds the weapon towards us before he gets hit in the head by Brenda, he falls to his knees. "Come on! Let's go!" Brenda yells and we all follow. A song starts to play over head and I look around wondering where it could have been coming from. I follow close behind Newt before we meet up with Jorge again. He pushes open some doors to expose a zip line and that was high up with a high hall. My heart sinks and I turn to Newt "I can't do this Newt.. I'm scared of heights." I admit "You have to love, we don't have any other choice right now. I'll be right behind you okay?" I shake my head and grab on to the rope and go sliding down. I luckily make it to the other side as I anxiously wait for Newt to meet me there, when he does he grabs me and gives me a tight hug. All of us make it over and start running to the other end. We hear the song end and the building burst into flames before our eyes. "Holy shit." Thomas says in disbelief. We get in a cat that I guess Jorge has been saving for this moment and we are off to the right arm.

I'm sorry this was so short! This is the worst chapter I have written I feel like. But this was kinda just a filler chapter to help things make since later on. I hope you guys enjoyed anyways! The next few chapters are gonna be fun and I can't wait! 💕

All I Want ~ Newt x Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن