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I woke up still feeling excitement from last night. Newt and I finally confessed our feelings for each other and I couldn't be happier. Everything about him makes me so happy.
Last night was the first time in a month I haven't had a nightmare. I finally slept peacefully. It was now after breakfast and today was Thomas' day to work as a track hoe with Newt and I.
Newt and I spent most of the day chit chatting and giggling back and fourth at each other mostly because I'm not sure Thomas is cut out to be a track hoe.
Then I heard Thomas say "man this job sucks."
I look back at him and say "that wasn't very nice Thomas" he looks at me with a confused look on his face.. "what wasn't Y/N?" He asked "uh, you just said this job sucks." I replied "He didn't say anything love" Newt chimed in. I just brushed it off and finished up my job before walking off to take a break.    

Later that night Thomas pulled me off to the side and said "You heard me earlier didn't you?!" He asked "I I I don't know what I heard okay?! There is no way we can read each others minds." I say trying to stay quiet. "I'm pretty sure we can cause all day I had to listen to you think about how much you like Newt" he says I blush awkwardly "I don't know what's going on okay?" I replied back looking down at my feet. "We must be connected somehow.. before we got here we must be connected..and I need to figure it out." Thomas walks off obviously upset.

The next morning while working in the garden, Newt had asked me to go out to the forest to get more fertilizer. While I'm walking I hear a bushel in the nearby trees.. "hello?" I hear a few foot steps before I'm tackled to the ground. I quickly try to gather my surroundings before I look up and see Ben.. he looks different, his face was dirty and out of sorts..he had a terrifying look on his face when he spoke up and said "I saw you..I saw you and the other greenie!! You did this to us!" He screams "what are you talking about Ben?! Get off of me" I fight like hell to get out from underneath his grip. Finally I break free and I run as fast as I can to the homestead. "HELP PLEASE HELP" the whole way there I can hear Ben behind me by his footsteps catching up to me. I finally teach the gardens and I'm still screaming. I see a newt and I yell "HELP! Ben is chasing me" I try to say out of breath. Ben catches back up and tackles me to the ground. Newt quickly grabs a tool and knocks Ben off of me. More boys start running towards the scene and soon they have Ben pinned to the ground. Ben is still saying "I saw her... I saw Thomas.. they did this to us." I step back from Ben.. I see Alby walk up and demand they pull up Ben's shirt. The boys obliged and lifted the boys shirt to reveal a tasty puncture wound with a metal thing still sticking out.. "he has been stung" Newt said in almost a whisper. Alby sighed and said "put him in the pit. We will figure out what to do in a gathering." The boys grab Ben and drag him to the pit while he is still screaming the same thing over and over. I sigh and go to the washrooms to clean up and think about what had just happened. What did he see me and Thomas do? Did we cause all of this? I don't know.. Ben was stung he must have just lost his mind.

I didn't get to go to the gathering because it was just the keepers involved. But they had all decided on banishing Ben to The Maze.. Which I hate for Ben, but as Newt told me he is a danger to the glade now.. All the gladers excluding Thomas, Chuck and myself grab long wooded weapons standing in a semi circle surrendering the opening of the maze and Ben.. I could see Bens face from where I was standing. He looked so fearful. He was crying "please stop.. I'm sorry.. PLEASE." He was stripped to his boxers and plain T-shirt. Alby screamed a command and all the boys lowered the wooden weapons. Ben sprung to his feet to try to fight back but there was no way. The maze doors start to close.. He realized it was either run into the maze or get crushed. He runs in and right before the door closes he looks me directly in the eyes with the most terrifying look on his face.
Alby walks off saying "he belongs to the maze now." Newt quickly makes his way to me saying "Are you okay love? I know that was hard to see..." I wipe a tear from my cheek and assure him I'm okay. Alby gives everyone the rest of the day off due to what happened..
"Do you wanna come back to my room love?" My heart tumbles at the question "yeah.." I say quietly. We make our way back to Newts hut and he lays down on his bed, I stand near the door awkwardly and he pats the space next to him welcoming me to come lay next to him. As soon as I lay down I lose it. I can't help the tears falling from my eyes. Newt quickly grabs me and pulls me into him. "It's okay love...shhh...it's okay" he says with his sweet voice. I muzzle my head into his neck. He shushes my tears as I slowly fall asleep in his arms. I wake up to see a sleeping Newt. I watch him as his chest rises and falls and snores very slightly. With my fingers I do little circles on his exposed chest. Shuck he is perfect.. I see his eyes slowly flutter open saying "oh hello" with a smile spread across his face. In the distance we hear a bell ringing signaling dinner time.
We both get up and get our shoes on and make our way to the dinning hall. Newt and I join Minho, Thomas and Chuck at a table. Minho has a serious look on his face "are you okay Minho?" I ask. He looks at me and says "Without Ben we are short a runner and I need to find a replacement. But it doesn't look like anyone is gonna just volunteer." Thomas perks up and says "I'll do it. Let me be the replacement." Minho looks at Thomas and says "Well.. you are fast.. we would need to ask Alby and have a gathering." Alby had overheard our conversation and immediately after dinner called a gathering.

All I Want ~ Newt x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now