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I'm awoken suddenly by a stiff shake from my boyfriend. "Y/N love, wake up! We gotta go!" He yelled over the loud helicopter. I'm disoriented but I come back to my senses and stand up and jump off the helicopter. The men from before were ushering us quickly into a building. The surrounding people were dressed in the same outfits but they had guns and were yelling "CRANKS!" I look around frightened trying to figure out what was happening. But before i could we are pushed inside a building and we are met by a man he has a smug smile on his face. "He looks like a rat." I whisper into Newt's ear he chuckles as a response and looks at me with a smile that is covered by his hand. The man finally speaks up and says "You kids doing alright? Sorry about all the fuss." He says "and who are you?" Thomas asks "I'm the reason your all still alive. It's my intention to keep you that way." He says with a smirk on his face as he turns a corner motion us to follow. I grab Newts hand and give him a questioning look as we follow behind. "you can call me Mr. Jansen, I'm the leader of this place. To us it is a sanctuary a safe place from the dangers of the rest of the world. You guys can think of it as a wait station. A home between homes you could say. You guys are gonna go to a safe haven. Where WCKD will never find you again." He goes on about his spill as I zone out looking at the surrounding areas. This place gives me a bad feeling, something is definitely off..
I get brought back into reality as I hear the rat man say "Now first, let's do something about that smell."
A woman in a white coat comes over to show me and Teresa off to the showers. I look at Newt still unsure about this situation and honestly nervous to be away from him and mouth "I love you" he mouths it back as I turn away.
I won't lie it does feel nice to stand under a hot shower and finally get actually clean.

After the showers we are taken to a room with people in white coats and medical supplies everywhere. I'm brought to a little area and a woman stands in front of me preparing some kind of shot I assume. I look ahead of me and see Newt and it looks like he is getting the same thing. I get butterflies in my stomach seeing him. His hair is parted to the side and he's wearing clean clothes and honestly he looks fine as hell. The doctor bends down and sticks the needle in my arm I flinch a little and Newt sends me a sympathy look from across the way. I look to my left and see my brother getting his blood drawn, he looks super calm but I can hear his thoughts and I know he isn't calm. He is thinking the same things I am about this place. A woman in a white coat walks by and asks "How are the new arrivals doing?" "They are holding up just fine." The man tending to Thomas says.

After this was over we are taken to a big room with a lot of bunk beds. They shut us in and lock the doors. I quickly migrate over to Newt who is sitting on a bed and untying his shoes. "How are you doing love?" He perks up and asks me as he leaves a kiss on my forehead. "I'm okay.. how are you? I missed you today.." I kinda chuckle as I say that I know it's pathetic I was away from him for a few hours and I missed him, but he and Thomas are all I really have. "I missed you too love" he smiles simply at me. "I have a weird feeling about this place Newt... I can describe it but it just sketches me out.." I say looking down at my fidgeting hands in my lap. "I know.. me too. Let's not focus on that right now. At least we are safe and warm snd have a real bed to sleep in." He laughs as he lays back on the bed. I quickly join him nuzzling my head on his chest. "You smell nice Newtie" I say with a giggle taking in the fresh smell. "Well that's a first" he says laughing. Gosh I love him, he's so perfect and I really needed this time with him, he makes me feel safe. "Promise me after all of this and we are finally safe and free, you will marry me Y/N. I couldn't live without you, and i never wanna know what life is like without you" Newt says with tears in his eyes. I sit up on my elbow and look at him "of course i will. I feel the exact same" i say wiping a tear from my eye I lean my head up and connect my lips to Newts as I hear Thomas and Minho come over as they both mimic gagging noises as Minho says "Ew you lovebirds, get a room!" "Well ya shank, we technically are in a room." Newt laughs causing me to have a laughing fit. I sit up and throw a pillow at Minho causing all of us to laugh. Moments like this make it all worth it.
Having a good time with my friends and the love of my life is really making me temporarily forget about all the awful things that are actually happening right now. But I'm gonna soak up this time cause I don't know how long it will last.

All I Want ~ Newt x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now