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And we are off into the maze.. I would lying if I said I wasn't absolutely of what we were gonna endure while trying to escape.. As we run I count the numbers on the walls... 1.........2...........3 I'm broken from my gaze as Newt squeezes my hand. He is a fast runner regardless of his limp. "Come on! Everybody keep up!" Thomas yells to the group. We get to number 6 and stop behind a stone wall. We hear some movements and a noise coming from a griever. Thomas peeks around the corner and turns back with a terrified look on his face. "Is it a griever?" A scared Chuck asks. "Y yes." Thomas stutters out "we we can't do this..." Chuck says. "Here you take this Chuck and stay behind us." Minho says as he hands the boy the key. "It's okay, just stay with me and Newt." I say as I put my (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) up so it is out of my face. "We stay close.. we fight like hell and we get out now or we die trying." Newt says to the group as he locks eyes with me and rubs his thumb across my cheek "I love you. "Remember together okay?" "Together." I say back with confidence. "Ready?" Thomas asks. The group nods and makes our way to the direction of the griever. The griever spots is immediately and starts running straight for us. We all run for it spears pointed in its direction, it obviously didn't phase him because he rolled over and got right back up and let out a roar in our faces. We continue to hit it with the spears and it reminds unphased. It stands taller than us and slamming down its claw as it grabs on of the boys and slings him over the edge. I let out a gasp in horror. I search over the crowd of boys searching for my love, we make contact and he sends me a soft reassuring smile and a wink. I turn my attention back to the monster he smacks his claw infront of Teresa causing her to fall to the ground. As I'm right next to her I grab my blade and cut it's claw. The claw bumped Chuck causing him to drop the key, it goes in the opposite direction as he yells "they key!!" He runs toward it. Newt, Teresa and I take off after him. "Chuck! Watch the edge!" I yell trying to warn the boy he falls over the side but is able to hang on as Teresa grabs his backpack and pulls him up. The boys are doing good at fighting off the griever they back it up the edge causing it fly off the edge. Meanwhile two more climb up the edge by Teresa, Newt, Chuck and I. "THOMAS!" Teresa yells trying to catch his attention to what was running for them. We run as fast as we can and let the boys take over fighting off the two other grievers. Newt, Chuck and I run to number 7 and stuck in the key, the door opens as we run in. Thomas yelling "hurry!" From behind us. We get to the circular thing and it lights up red... a series of numbers show up "Thomas! It's not opening!" I yell hoping he can hear me. Newt had figured out that it was a code and it was the code in order of the maze. "Tommy! There's a code, 8 numbers!" Newt yells to Thomas in desperation "Hey Minho! What's the sequence to the maze?!" Thomas yells to Minho "Uh uh! 7, 1, 5, 2, 6, 4.." before Minho can finish a griever comes from up too and tackles him to the ground. Jeff runs over to the griever and stabs him in the back causing him to shift off of Minho and he is able to get back on his feet. Before Jeff can run off the griever grabs hold of him and slings him over the size. I cup my hands over my ears to drown out Jeff's screaming as Newt grabs my hand and tells me "it's okay, love...it's okay." "6,  4, 8, 3," I enter the numbers and the screen reads "Complete" and glows green. The rest of the group runs to meet us at the end of the tunnel as the doors start shutting in the grievers in a last attempt a griever jumps over to Newt and he grabs the spear and throws it in the grievers mouth and stops it from coming closer as the doors close on the monster.
We get in and another door starts to slowly open.. I give a concerned look to Newt that he relays to me as well. We are with a lightly lite room that's inside. I walk in first, Newt and the boys following close behind. We walk down the long hallway as we are all unsure of where we even are. We see a door and look up to see a sign reading "EXIT" "Seriously?!" Frypan asks in disbelief. Thomas walks to the door and twists the handle. Newt grabs my hand and squeezes it. There is a long hallway in one room we see bodies covered and lying on metal tables.. This is it..this is the place I have seen in my memories, this is WCKD.. I get chills through my body at the sight of this place in real life. It makes me ill. Newt keeps close behind me as he continues to hold my hand. Him being here definitely makes me feel better. "What happened here?!" Minho asks quietly as we get more in the room and see bodies laying everywhere on the ground. Glass is shattered all over the floor, chair knocked over on the ground. We walk in slowly taking in our surroundings. Newt places down his blade as he watches the computer screens infront of him. "So they were watching us...this whole time they have been watching..." Newts says
I look through the glass and see my brother standing across from me. I press a button that lights green and the blonde haired woman shows up on a screen in front of us.... I jump back at the noise before realizing what it was. I find Newt as the group gathers around and I take his hand in my mine and I rest my head on him. The woman begins to speak
"Hello. My name is Dr. Ava Paige I'm the director here at WCKD World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you are watching this, that means you have successfully completed the maze trials." I shuffle closer to Newt breaking all space between us. As the video continues
"I wish that I could be there in person to congratulate you, but circumstances seemed to have prevented it. I fear right now you all must be very confused, angry, frightened. I can assure that everything that happened and everything we have done to you was all done for a reason. You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world." I feel Newt tense up as she says that. "Billions lives lost to fire, starvation many other things.. the fallout was indescribable. What came after was worse.. we called it the flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain, it is violent, unpredictable, and uncureable.."
the screen flashed awful pictures of what looked like humans.. but with burn marks all over their faces and they were thrashing in pain.. "or so we thought..in time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding would not be easy. The young would have to be tested even sacrificed inside harsh environments so there brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to hdnedagdn what makes the different, what makes you different. You may not realize it but you are very important. Unfortunately your trials have only begun, as you will soon discover not everyone agrees with out methods.. progress is slow and people are scared. It may be to late for me but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember...." the glass shatters (TW!!!!!!!!!)
behind the woman's head as she grabs a gun and holds it to her temple I cover my ears as fast as I can and Newt holds me tight in his chest "WCKD is good." And with that I hear a muffled gun shot. We turn to see her body lying in the ground behind us.. We all are in complete shock as we hear a door opening behind us. "Is it over?!" Chuck asks "She said we were important.. what are we supposed to do now?" Newt asks as he looks down at me. My brother speaks up and says "I I don't know... but let's get out of here." As he says that I feel a bit of excitement in my chest. "Let's go." Newt looks down to me and says with a small smile.
"No!" We hear from a familiar voice behind us we turn to see Gally standing at the door we came in from.. "Gally?!" Thomas asks walking forward "Don't... He's been stung." I say putting my hand to stop Thomas from going forward. "We can't leave" Gally cries he is holding a gun in his hand. "We did.. Gally we are out, we are free.." Thomas says trying to calm him down. "Free?! You think we are free out there? No. There is no escape from this place." He says as he holds the gun pointing towards Thomas. Newt flinches and says "Gally.. stop, put the gun down." Thomas is still talking to Gally and trying to talk him into putting down the gun and calm him down.. I can barley hear the words that are being said over my fear. Gally is still holding the gun to Thomas as he goes to fire it (TW!!!!) "I belong to the maze.... We all do." Gally cries as he pulls the trigger on the gun. Minho throws a spear and it hits Gally right in the chest, Gally falls to the ground as the spear hits him. Chuck starts coughing "Thomas... Y/N.." he barley says as he opens his best to expose a wound and falls to the ground. Thomas falls down with him as I stand over in disbelief. "I it's o okay.." Chuck says as he hands a littl statue of a boy to Thomas.. "no Chuck stop it.. y you said you were gonna give them that yourself.. you are still going to." Chuck struggles on the ground and he looks at me and says "thank you... thank you..." before he is gone. Thomas starts shaking the boy and crying his name trying to wake him up. I fall to the ground and let the tears spill out. Newt runs straight to me and holds in as he runs his fingers through my hair. I'm in disbelief, this wasn't supposed to be this way.. he was supposed to make it.
The doors open behind us exposing a bright light coming from the outside. My vision is blurred from my gears but I see men in black suits grabbing us and telling us to move. Thomas struggles to leave Chuck but they pick him up and drag him out. We run in what looks like a dessert and see a helicopter there waiting for us. We all get in and a man shuts the door. "You guys alright?!" A man asks as he pulls down his mask "things are gonna be a little different from now on, you guys are safe."
Newt puts his arm around me pulling me into his shoulder as we look over to the windows to expose the complexity of the maze we were trapped in.. Newt looks at me with tears in his golden brown eyes. "Relax kids, everything is gonna change." The weird man says. Newt pulls me closer leaving a kiss on top of my head I look back to him " I love you.. we did together." I put out what smile I can to the love of my life "I love you too Y/N" he sends back a smile. I lay my head in his lap and drift off into sleep.

GUYS! This is the end of the first maze runner book/movie. I hope you all enjoyed it. I know it's a little short and only has 10 chapters but I'm going to start immediately on writing the next part "Scorch Trials" they are all gonna be connected under "All I want" I have planned out atleast 10 parts or more for each book/movie. Please comment and vote this story if you enjoyed it. I'm pretty proud of it, thank you all for reading it if you made it this far. I will update soon with part 11 being the start of scorch trials. I'm probably gonna update 10 chapters at time so I don't leave anyone hanging. Until then <3

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