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Once I caught my breath I came to realization of what I had just done. I take in what Minho said and it hit me like a brick. It will be okay. We will make it some how or some way. I hear Thomas in my head freaking out, I know he's scared and so am I. My attention is brought back to Alby once he lets out an awful moan of pain. I rack my brain trying to find where to hide him cause there is no way to survive if we have to lug him around all night. I look to my left and see vines attached to the stone. "We need tie Alby up here. He will be safest here, he will be hidden." I say the boys shrug at my suggestion knowing there isn't really another option. We tie Alby up in the vines and start running through the maze. Right left right right left straight I say as every turn we make. Thomas and I get to the far back right of the maze where we try and stop for a break. Minho went of on his own to hide. Right when we stop Thomas sets his foot in a pile of green goo.. As I feel a drop of goo liquid on my shoulder. At this point we look up and we are almost face to face with a griever. Thomas runs but I'm almost paralyzed in fear as the big mechanical monster stand over me. I fall back as he lets a big roar right in my face. I finally come back to my senses as Thomas yells "Y/N LETS GO NOW!" I get back on my fight and we run as fast as we can. I can't die not like this. What about Newt?! I can't leave him.. He would be crushed. I can't stop these thoughts running through my head. Thomas and I are turning every corner we can think of. We see Minho and he catches back up with us screaming "what the hell is happening?!" Thomas screams back "just keep running!" I feel the forever catching back up to me and I grab Thomas' Speer he has in his pack and throw it directly in the grievers mouth, it seems to slow him down. The maze is starting to change as we run and I catch as side of the maze starting to close, I yell at the boys "follow me quick!" They change their course and follow close behind me. "There!" I motion at the closing doors the 2 boys run right there but I knew just escaping wasn't enough, I needed to kill this thing. I start running through the doors but I stop and yell to the beast "Come on! Come get me!" I hear Minho behind me saying "Come on Y/N don't look back!" And Thomas following up with "HURRY!" The doors are shutting quickly I dash through right before they close leaving The Griever smushed in the doors.
I lean up against the stone wall and slide down til I'm sitting. I couldn't breath I was completely out of breath. Thomas and Minho sit next to me "Y/N you are freaking crazy." Minho let's put a small laugh. "I know" I laugh back in response. Thomas sits quietly and over the maze doors we can see the sun starting to rise. We get up and run as fast as possible back to the opening of the maze that would lead us back to the homestead. We make it there as the doors are slightly starting to open. Minho and Thomas grab Alby and my eyes are focused on getting the hell out of here and seeing Newt. When the doors get more open I can hear Chuck saying "Hey hey guys! Look they made it!!" He cheers in disbelief. I see Newt come running to the opening of the maze doors. I run directly to him and straight to his arms. He welcomes back with a tight embrace. "Don't you ever do that to me again love, you had me worried sick." He says right before he dips me down into a tight and passion hungry kiss. I could hear everyone around us saying "ooooooo" and could hear Gally scuffing snd the sight. I really don't care right now, but when this is over I'm gonna go punch him in his stupid shuck face. Newt brings me back up and I gave him one more small peck on his lips. He then turns his attention to helping Alby.

Time passes and Alby gets settled down. We all meet back up in the middle of the homestead. Chuck asks "Y/N did you see a griever?" Minho let's out a small scoff and says "she didn't just see a griever, she killed one." He boasts. Everyone around us is in awe at that sentence. I can't handle everyone staring and asking questions right now. I get up and turn to walk away as Newt followed me. He catches up and grabs hold of my hand and our fingers intertwine together. A single tear falls down my cheek and I wipe it off. Newt leads me to his hut and he offers me the washroom and I accept. I go in and prepare for a shower, after last night lord knows I need one. I enjoy just standing underneath the hot water and taking in everything that happened. I couldn't believe what had happened in the maze last night. I can't shake the thought what if something would have happened to me and I didn't make it out? I wouldn't have made it back to Newt.. I broke out into tears, uncontrollably tears. Newt must have heard me because he came busting into the bathroom. "Love? Are you alright?" He asks in a concerned voice. "I dry up my tears and answer "yes I'm fine, ill be right out." I hear the door close so I assume Newt had walked out I step out of the shower with Newt still standing in the bathroom. He quickly looks down at the ground I grab the towel and his reaction made me giggle. I wrap the towel around me and say "you may look now, I'm decent." I laugh. He looks back up to me and his eyes meet mine, his eyes look very deep like he is yearning for something. He steps towards me and I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Have I ever told you how absolutely bloody beautiful you are love?" He says in a husky voice "Y you might have mentioned it..." I reply back trying not to melt at the words he said. He puts his arm around me and I welcome his lips smashed on mine we stand in the bathroom sharing a long passionate kiss he breaks the kiss and then picks me up and carries me to his bed and he gently lays me down he stands above me as he takes his shirt off and leans down to me so our lips will meet once more. "I thought I lost you...." he says in between the kisses "I don't know...what I would do without you...."  my heart flips as he says that, I pull him down so he is completely on top of me and that just strengthens our kiss. Newt pulls his lips from mine staring deep at me once again "I love you Y/N" i was shocked but so happy to hear that sentence come from his beautiful lips "I love you too Newt." He leans back in to kiss me again as he rubs my back.
I'm startled and jumps way as I hear the alarm sounding... "is that.. no it can't be.." Newt says drawing all his attention to the sound. He jumps up and says "we have to go love" he says disappointed "I know" I groan and stand up Newt gives me one more peck on the cheek and hands me my clothes and turns around as I got dressed I let a small laugh escape at his response. I get dressed and we make our way down to the box. Everyone is already standing over it and whispering to each other. Newt pushes is way to the front to find out what's going on as I hear him say "another bloody girl..." I walk up behind him and stare down at the dark haired girl she woke up temporarily and all she said was "Thomas" before passing back out. All eyes go to Thomas... "do you know her Tommy?" Newt asks "no I I don't know who she is." Thomas responds. I see she has a note in her hand I jump in the box to see what it says. My hands are shaking so it takes me a minute to unravel the crumpled up paper. I look it stunned at what it reads.. Gally says above me "are you gonna read it slint head?" I turn around to look up at the group "It says... she's the last one. Ever." I stutter out.

All I Want ~ Newt x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now