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We are all jolted awake as we here the vents being slung open and onto to the floor "We gotta go! We gotta go now! ITS WCKD! I ITS WCKD!" Thomas yells snd Newt and I jump out of bed as do the rest of the boys. Thomas runs to the door and starts tying sheets to it to keep it closed. "What is going on?!" I yell "t they are coming for us! We gotta go now! I saw Ava!" Thomas yelled in a panic tone "Ava? We saw her..." Newt started to say "I know what we thought we say but I saw her just now talking to Jansen!" Thomas responded by this point everyone had believed Thomas and we all crawled through the vents as quickly as we could. It let us out the the other side in a hallway, we didn't see anyone. Aris announced that he will be right back before he runs off. We are soon met by Dr. Crawford "What are you guys doing out this late?" As soon as she spoke a loud alarm starts sounding above us. She goes to turn around and run to probably find some help but Thomas grabs her and pulls her in and tell her "start walking." We use the doctor to get to the medical wing which she explained was in the other side of the building. Once we get there she uses her key to open the door. We bust in and quickly command for all the doctors to get on the ground. They do so as Thomas spots Teresa and runs straight to her. The guardrail start pounding on the door and Newt and I barricade it right away. "we have to get out here now Tommy!" Newt shouts Thomas picks up a chair to smash a window it bounces right off. Newt notices and runs over grabs another chair and together they break it. We all run in that direction and Teresa hops up and places a blanket for the bed she was in over the window seal. Thomas and Newt go first helping Teresa and I over as the rest of the boys pile out behind us. We open a door and run until we see a long hallway with a door at the end of it. The alarm is still sounding above us. We reach the door and take the key card from his pockets, but it doesn't open the door. "Shit shit shit." Thomas says while still trying the key "hurry up Thomas, they are catching up!" I say hoping to hear the ding of the door at any second. "Thomas!" I hear a familiar voice sound off I turn to see who it is and it's rat man. Thomas grabs the gun and walks towards him "Open the door Jansen." Thomas says "I promise you don't want me to do that. The maze is one thing but you kids will never survive in the scorch. If the weather doesn't kill you, the cranks will." Jansen spits and it just makes Thomas more angry so he walks closer with the gun still pointed right at Jansen. "I promise you Thomas, we only want what is best for you guys." Jansen says with a smug look in his face. "Oh yeah? And let me guess... WCKD is good?" I spit The rat man drops his arms to his side in disbelief that we know and says "you aren't getting through that door." As soon as he said that we hear a ding behind us and the door opening. It opens fully and we are met by Aris "hey guys" he says we run out the door. The rat man calls out on the radio to shut the doors immediately. Thomas shoots the gun a few times before running out of bullets causing him to throw the gun and run towards the door. He barley makes it in time as he slide underneath the door right before it closes. Newt grabs something off the ground and smashes the lock on the outside of the door. Jansen shows his rat face through the tiny window on the door as Thomas and I both flip him off before claiming victory and running away.
The two big doors in front of us open and we run through as fast as we can that lead us into a dessert. Newt grabs my hand and we run together. As we run we can hear the sounds of people searching for us. We can see the flashlights "Get down! Stay down!" Newt whispers trying not to yell. The wind is awful, it's blowing so hard and blowing sand in my eyes and mouth. Newt sends me a sympathetic look as we get back and run. We run over the hill and Teresa runs towards a tent that looks like it has been buried under the sand. There is a hole in the side of it and without a second thought she goes in and disappears out of our sight. "Teresa!" Thomas yells as we all follow her. We get down into the tent "what is this place?" I ask quietly " looks like someone used to live in here." Newt replies I start looking around at the countless supplies that was left here. I wonder if they were raided. "You have a plan don't you Tommy?" Newt asks "Uh..yeah of course." Thomas replies with his head down "Wait! Jansen said something about the people in the mountains.. something about right arm?" Aris speaks up as Thomas' face lights up "The right arm..." Thomas says "so that's the plan? Mountain people?" Newt replies back sarcastically "it's the only chance we have, let's all split up, find as much stuff as we can as quick as we can." Thomas says "I'll go with Newt." I say quickly smiling at Newt. The other boys roll their eyes in response. I laugh and grab a flashlight and Newts hand as we take off to see what we can find. We walk over to what looks like it would have been a sleeping area. There's a picture lying on the ground, it's 2 older looking people in their mid 40's and 2 children. A tear comes to my eye wishing I could remember if I had a family.. I look at Newt who is rummaging through some bags. I go over and put my hands on his shoulders "I wanna have a family one day Newt.. with you.. do you think we will get that?" I say tears still in my eyes "Yes love, I do. The only thing that keeps me going some days is imagining when you and I can settle down and start a family." Newt says as he stands up and puts his arms around me. I burry my head in his chest and let out a good cry. "It's okay love, we are gonna make it through this. Together." Newt says and he kisses my forehead "Together." I smile back "now let's get back to looking for supplies so we can get the shuck out of here." Newt chuckles and starts digging through supplies again "yeah this place freaks me out." I laugh back. Things seem normal for a few more minutes before we start hearing screaming. "Tommy?!" Newt says in shock
We are a bunch of lights turning on and doors around us opening as we run to try and catch back up to our friends. We finally see them and we see these things that are running but they don't look alive. "What the hell are those things?!" I say as we continue to run "I don't know love but I don't wanna find out!" Newt yells back as we run. Thomas and Minho are running telling us to "go!" We listen and continue running as fast as we can with the trialing quick behind us. We run up to the second floor of the building to be faced by more. Aria runs up and hits on with a baseball bat buying a bit of time. They make the worst noises and they run so fast. One tackles Newt and he is trying to fight him off. I run over a kick the thing off of him causing the monster to break through the glass and fall to the bottom floor. I help him up as he says "thanks love" and we take off again. "We have to find a way out!" Minho yells. We run down a narrow hallow surrounding us are brick walls. We get to a pair of doors right as the monsters find us. There are so many of them. The door has a lock on it and we struggle to open them Winston volunteers to hold them off for us so we can focus on getting door open. He does exactly that, he fights them with a weapon he had gotten from a guard earlier. Finally I'm able to break the door open and everyone runs through it. As we run through Winston gets pulled to the ground and gets his foot caught by one of the monsters. Thomas goes back and is able to get Winston up as Minho keeps the door closed. Newt and Frypan grab Winston and carry him off as Thomas is able to slam the door shut. they both quickly catch up to the group. Luckily we spot on an exit. We find a hiding spot where we all crouch down. Newt holds me in his arms and I feel like time stops. I can still hear the monsters croaking above us and I feel nothing but straight terror before I close my eyes.

All I Want ~ Newt x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now