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I look over the mountains and see lights I look at Thomas in horror "Please don't fight them you guys..please" she begs "what have you done?!" I yell
Thomas and I take off down the hill to get back to ur friends and try to warn them. A bomb from the aircraft drops on the base as I hear everyone screaming. A helicopter lowers down to the base and a bunch of people in the security guard jump out and start running across the camp. Another bomb drops and I start running towards the camp. I don't stop running until I make I there. Thomas tries to stop me but I don't care. I run around screaming for Newt, I don't see him and I can't push the awful thought out of my mind. What if something happened to him and I wasn't here to help him... "NEWT!" I yell trying to doge gun shots "Y/N!" I finally hear Newt yell in his British accent. I run over to him and he grabs me into a quick hug. "I thought something happened to you." I say quickly wiping a tear from my face. "I'm okay love" he replies "here take this, you'll need it to protect yourself." He hands me a weapon and gives me a quick grin before he takes off and I follow close behind him. I'm barley able to doge the bullets that are coming our way. "Take them all out!" I hear one of the guards yell. People are falling to the ground on each side of us and everyone causes me to scream in horror. You think I would be used to it by now but it always scares me. "Where's Thomas?!" Frypan yells as we all duck behind a canister. "I don't know!" I yell back over the commotion. Harriet is helping Vince load the ammo nod I see that she needs a cover. I take off after her, Minho and Newt following me. I stand in front of her so she can continue helping Vince.
"Hey do you know how to use this thing?!" Vince yells to Newt as he hands him a weapon. Newt takes it and immediately starts firing it at the guards running our direction. I know super bad timing but that's kinda hot. I continue to guard Harriet until she joins beside me and we start taking them out. I can't help but wonder where Thomas is or if he ran. My mind always wonders off to Brenda and Jorge, I hope they are okay. I can't believe Teresa did this, she ruined everything for us. Finally I catch a glimpse of Thomas out of the corner of my eye and my I feel a little bit of relief seeing his face. As I was almost lost in my thoughts I see something being thrown our way. "Shit!" I yell out as it explodes. I fall to the ground with shocks ringing through my body. I look up to see Newt to make sure he is okay, he's moving which is a good sign. A few security guards comes over and yanks us all up off the ground. They take us and sling us down on the ground to our knees. I look over to Newt and give him a small smile. "I love you." I mouth I can't help but think that this is the end. The guards come up behind us and push our heads down exposing our necks. They go down the line and yell of "subject numbers" and they called them. They scanned me and yelled "A1" Newt was "A5" and they continued to go down until they got to Sonya, Aris and Harriet their letters changed to "B" This is sick, they had us all tagged this whole time. I see rat man come into the center of my vision and asks a guard "How many did we get?" As he smirks "All of them, give or take a few." A guard answers. "What about Thomas and Y/N?" He asks and my stomach drops. "We have Y/N. But not Thomas." Rat man smirks at the response and walks forward. I see Thomas push-ups forward by a guards and when he makes it to the front, Jansen grabs him and punches him in the stomach causing him to fall next to me. Jansen grabs a scanner and scans his neck snd yells out "A2!" Thomas looks at with tears in his eyes. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen I keep thinking to myself. Newts head was facing down I scoot closer to him and put my hand on his thigh causing him to look at me. "Together." He mouths "Together." I mouth back. Another aircraft comes down from up above and it lands right in the middle of the base. More guards walk off the craft and behind them walks a blonde woman, Ava Paige. "Is this all of them?" She asks the rat man "It will be enough." He responds "start loading them in." She says as she walks towards Thomas and I. "Hello you two." She says as she grins. I see Teresa walking toward us out of the corner of my eye. She meets up with Ava. "Uh.. what's going on here?" Newt asks confused "it was her. she is with them." I answer coldly. "Oh Teresa has always had an appreciation for the greater good, it just took restoring her memories for her to remember that." I give her dirty look causing her to look down at her feet. "Please go with them guys.. they promised they would hurt us. We have to find a cure." Teresa says quietly almost as if she's ashamed. "It's true, it was her only stipulation." Dr. Ava Paige said back to us. "I'm not going back there.." Thomas says with a frantic look on his face. "We aren't going back there." I speak for the rest of the group. Thomas grabs something out of his jacket pocket and holds it up. It's the explosive from earlier he holds it up in their faces "Get back now! Everyone stand back!" Thomas yells. Jansen comes up and pushes the guards back "hold your fire!" He yells "Let them go! Let them all go now!" Thomas yells "Thomas please stop!" Teresa pleads  "Shuck off Teresa!" I yell back at her. Newt, Minho, Frypan, and I all gather behind Thomas in support of his decision. "Go ahead Tommy, we are ready." Newt tells Thomas and he looks back at me and I nod my head in agreeance with Newt. Minho snd Fry nod as well. "Don't do it." Ava pleads "We aren't going back there..." I cry "Thomas.. Y/N.. please!" Ava yells right as she does we hear a car horn sound coming from behind us. We turn around to see who it is and we see Jorge in the drivers seat, he runs right through a group of guards that are shooting at him and knocks one of the WCKD aircrafts off of a hill. A glimmer of hope is finally building up inside me as I catch a second wind. A guard is holding a gun at Thomas and I see Thomas throw the explosive he comes running back to us and yells "Get down!" We all immediately drop to the ground and huge explosion is set off. Jansen comes over as I'm trying to get up and knocks me back in the ground he takes out his gun and holds it to my head "What a waste." He says right before he falls to the ground. I breath a sigh of relief and look over to see Brenda was the one who shot him. I smile at her and take off. I meet back up with Newt and grab a weapon and start firing it at the enemy. I see Thomas trying to make his way back over to us while Vince tries to shoot down an aircraft. Minho is yelling for Thomas to hurry and come join us behind the truck. Minho is holding off the guards that are charging towards us "Minho come on!" I yell but it was to late. A guard had got to him first and before I knew it they were already puking him off. I try to run after him but Newt grabs my arm and pulls me back down. "No!" I yell as Newt keep his arms tightly around me. "Y/N we have to go!" Jorge yells. I look up to see the aircraft doors shutting. Facing us are Teresa, Jansen and Ava. My heart drops, I can't believe Teresa did this to us. We all stare in complete disbelief as the craft takes off.

The next morning it's time to assess the damage and it's pretty bad. Most of the right arm was killed and there were very few of us left. We start packing up our bags to take off. I go over to Newt who is looking at one of the masks that was left from last night. "I can't believe we bloody survived." He said looking up at me. "Me either." I said back as I leaned down next to him. "It's like you said, apparently we can get through everything together." I smile he stands up and places a kiss on my lips "I love you." He smiles "I love you too Newtie."

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