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We arrive just outside of the city the walls completely blocking any type of entrance to the inside. It's very crowded out here, I honestly didn't think there were so many survivors left. Thomas is leading our ground and nudging through the crowd of people. "Stay close to me love, don't let go of my hand." Newt says trying his best to scream over the loud roar of the crowd. I nod my head to me that I heard what he said I grab onto his hand even tighter. "They can't keep us trapped behind these walls!" I hear someone yelling over a megaphone. We turn to see trucks filled with armed soldiers that are driving down the streets. As they drive by the people go to the side of the road. They are shouting more things as they get closer and Newt pulls my hand gently motioning me over to the side. A man on the back looks at me and we make eye contact. All I can see are his eyes and for some reason his eyes look familiar. The truck is then gone from my sight but I can still hear light yelling coming from down the road.
We start back down the road as I see something on Newts neck light up.. I put my hand up to his neck and run my fingers across whatever it is. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Thomas' neck doing the same thing. "What's wrong Y/N?" Newt asks me and stops "Look at my neck" I say turning around my pulling my hair up with my hands "whoa.." Newt says in disbelief "We must be getting closer to WCKD..." I say while rubbing the back of my neck. Newt gives me a small smile and we continue walking.
We walk for a bit longer and at this point we are really just following the crowd. From a while back I can hear people shouting and soon we walk up on the commotion and we are met by the walls guarding the city. People are chanting things like "let us in" over and over and throwing things at the walls. I get closer to Newt trying to separate all space between us as we stop and look up at the city. Jorge walks up behind us "Guys.. I have a bad feeling about this." He says trying to convince us to leave. "I agree, I think we need to go." Newt says as he points to a man in a gas mask walking up behind us. Jorge takes out as his gun but a loud noise reigns above us drawing our attention to the tops of the building where there are these machines pointing down at us. People behind us start running and Newt grabs my hand "we gotta go now!" He says. Right in front of us a loud bang happens causing the ground to erupt. We all take off running snd the man in the gas mask is yelling fro us to come on. The whole time we are running I'm dodging hits left and right. All around us there are explosions. Luckily there is a side road and we turn down it avoiding some of the explosions. The man in the gas mask comes out of nowhere and grabs Thomas and throws him into a van "hey wait!" I yell trying to get to Thomas. Before I am able a man comes up and grabs me from behind and pulls me into an opposite van. "Y/N! No stop! Don't take her!" Newt yells as he is too being drug in to the same van as Thomas. They close the door to the van and I hear Newt in the other van shouting and banging on the windows. I look up at Frypan with a tear falling down my face "this can't be good.." I say quietly to him. He just nod and looks down at his feet.
The ride wasn't longer than maybe 3 minutes and we pull into a rundown building. The man who was driving gets out and opens the hatch exposing Fry, Jorge and I. I see the opposite van opening the hatch as well. I see Newts blonde hair jumping out of the back, I sprint to him and grab him in a tight hug. "I know it was only a few minutes...but it was the longest few minutes of my life.." I say letting another tear fall down my face. It was true, I didn't know in that moment if I would ever see the love of my life again. He hugs me back tightly "I love you sweetheart, it's okay." Newt says comforting me "I love you too Newtie." I say with a soft smile looking up at him. Meanwhile Jorge is on the ground beating up a guard while forcefully asking where Brenda was. Brenda walks up behind me "I'm right here, it's okay.." she says calmly pulling Jorge off of the guard. "Hey hey every body relax! We are all on the same side." The man in the mask says "yeah?! Same side? Who even are you?" Thomas says angrily to the man. The man takes off the mask revealing who he really is. "Gally?!" Thomas and I say together "hey guys." Gally says I let my hand lose from Newts and charge towards Gally punching him square in his smug face, causing him to fall to the ground. Newt runs up behind me and pulls me away. Gally scoffs "yeah I guess I kinda deserved that." He sighs standing back up. "Calm down love..." newt says and finally gets me to back up. "Anybody else want a go? Fry? Newt?" Gally asks sarcastically Jorge pulls Thomas back "you know this guys?" He says "he's uh..an old friend." Fry answers Newt steps towards Gally "H how is this even possible? We watched you die." Newt says with a confused look on his face. "No you left me to die. And we hadn't found you when we did, you all would be dead right now. What the hell are you guys doing here?" Gally asks back to Newt. "Minho... WCKD has him here... we are looking for a way in." Newt answers back quietly "I can help with that." Gally answers back "We aren't going anywhere with you." Thomas says and stands in front of the group "well then, suit yourself, but I can get you through those walls." He says while turning to walk away Newt shoots Thomas a look telling him we should follow so we do.

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