Beatrix let out a scream of rage, but there was nothing she could do. If she had her magic, she might have been able to use enough angry energy to blast Greta back. But with it being taken by force, she felt weak. Already, she could feel a pain in the pit of her stomach. She looked down and saw blackened veins had, after seven years, reappeared on her arms.

"Don't mind those," said Greta with fake-sweetness, taking one of her hands and sliding off Beatrix's daylight ring, tossing it carelessly to the side. "The marks will be gone when you die." She grasped Beatrix's neck and snapped it.

She had only her memories to rely on in order to pass the time.

It was 1902 and she and Elijah were having dinner out on the balcony.

"You didn't have to arrange this for me," she said softly as she looked up at the stars. "It's like you got an entire light show to be done in space."

"I admit, I coaxed several witches into doing a ritual of blessing for the cosmos, so that the sky would be extra bright," he said, smiling and putting his arm around her. "It's your birthday, Itza. It's a special day."

She shook her head. "It's not very special, Elijah. I'm... I'm just an abomination of nature. I shouldn't be sitting here. My birthday is just a reminder of what I have stirring inside of me. One day, it will cause a problem."

He took her hands in his. "Itza," he whispered. "There is so much about yourself that you don't love. And I wish that I could show you what you look like through my eyes."

Beatrix blushed. "How do I look through your eyes, Elijah?"

He reached one hand gently over her eyelids, urging her to close hers. "I see," he said, "someone who stands with poise and strength. Someone who has taken all the pain from their life and channeled it into doing good. Someone who is talented and majestic in every sense of the word. A powerful witch and vampire who is a force to be reckoned with. She has gorgeous tan skin, crafted by the gods themselves. Her eyes are dark like black onyx and shine in the light to become a gorgeous brown of smoky quartz. You may think that your eyes are plain, but in them, I find my favorite color. I want to be able to see those eyes every day for the rest of my life, having them be the first thing I gaze into in the morning and the last thing I catch a glimpse of in the evening. Her hair flows like honey, and she has lips that tempt me to kiss them every chance I get. All those things that you think are flaws— they are the most beautiful things about you, Itza. I love every single part of you. From the way you don't back down to a challenge because you're so stubborn, to the way that you sing softly in the shower when you think no one is listening. I love you. I love the aspects of you that you never notice. The aspects that you nitpick. You see yourself as an abomination, yet I see you as a goddess. You are worth so much more than you think. And I hope to one day be able to show you just how much you mean to me."

Her eyes opened again, and she saw that Hayley was awake. The house was different now— just as musty, but around them were windows, and a gentle light glazed over them.

"B-Beatrix," gasped Hayley, turning to face her. "Beatrix..."

"Are you okay?" the Heretic asked immediately.

She shook her head weakly. "Can't... move. Too weak..."

Beatrix tried to move as well, and shook her head. "They took my fucking magic... my ring..."

Hayley leaned her head back, gasping hoarsely. "We're... we're not getting out of here, Beatrix," she said softly. "This is it..."

"Don't say that," said Beatrix sharply. "Don't you dare say that. We're getting out."

Nothing Dark Can Stay, EitherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon