Chapter 53

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The following days were stressful for Beatrix.

It was a relief to know Marcel was not dead. She couldn't have been happier to know that he was still around and that she hadn't lost him.

But the problem was the way he was going about things.

Vincent, Josh, and Kol had helped disconnect the Ancestral realm from its connection to New Orleans, with Davina's help. This meant that the Ancestral magic that had been used to create the serum coursing in Marcel's veins was now inaccessible. Though Vincent had told Beatrix that this was good, because it meant her magic would be stronger, she knew the real implications were worse. For one, Marcel was practically undefeatable. Secondly, she knew that now, her magic would not be suppressed, meaning it could grow darker and unchecked if she didn't watch herself.

She hardly had the time to worry about her own health. Marcel had laid low in his loft with her for the days following his return, and she had been trying to convince him not to go through with his plan to destroy the Mikaelsons.

"Marcel, you're letting your rage go too far!" she insisted. "I'm incredibly angry with Elijah too, but this isn't how you should have gone about it."

"He killed me in cold blood," Marcel sneered. "Right when he saw I had the serum container. He hardly hesitated. I can't be killed, I have nothing to fear."

"Marcel, you've seen how cruel they can be, how dark I've been," she pleaded. "Don't make that same mistake. Do better— be better. Davina wouldn't have wanted this."

"It doesn't matter what Davina would or would not have wanted! She's not here because of them. And I don't know why you continue to back them up."

"Like it or not, we quite literally will always be tied to Klaus through blood, as his sirelings," she retorted. "And though they are a shitty family, they took us both in."

"And look how well that went. Elijah won't even acknowledge that you were probably the love of his life. Klaus is rude to you every chance he gets when he doesn't need something from you. Even Kol— that guy was an asshole, did you forget what he did in 1821?"

"I didn't forget. But it's been a long bloody time since then and he's been a better man because of Davina. I went to the Compound yesterday, remember, to vanish the rest of my stuff— Klaus especially is feeling terrible and I know he's still a prat but your ire is going to cause problems here in the French Quarter, Marcel, and I don't want you causing harm to innocent people just to get the Mikaelsons out of here."

He threw his hands in the air. "So Klaus speaks some shitty apology to you and now you're back to siding with them?"

"I never said I'm siding with them, damn it, I just don't want you jumping into a war."

"My bite will kill anyone and everyone who stands in my way," Marcel snapped. "Be it them or other vampires."

She frowned. "Even me?"

He looked away. "No, I don't want to hurt you, or Rebekah, for that matter. But you both just keep supporting Klaus like you owe him something. Neither of you owe him anything. He's treated you both terribly and you run back to him each time."

"Marcel, this is going to become a problem. I know you've been inviting vampires in. The Quarter will become a killing ground and no one will be safe. I don't want you to do something this cruel. This is the kind of thing Klaus would do, and the whole point is to not be like Klaus."

He scoffed. "I thought, of all people, you'd be on my side."

"As a friend, I am fully in support of this because I know more than anyone the damage the Mikaelsons have done. But as the woman who raised you? As the aunt of Hope? The best friend of Rebekah? This is wrong, Marcel. I made the mistake of letting my anger get to me when Kai and I demolished the Gemini Coven. We killed innocent people and that guilt tore me apart. I have only partially redeemed myself because I helped those siphon twins be born. But that pain I feel because of what I did— because of the monster I allowed myself to be— it's still there. That day, I was a beast. I was just like the Mikaelsons, and it was embarrassing and hurtful and just evil. I don't want you to do that. I don't want you to come to your senses later and feel any sort of guilt—"

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