He pulled out slowly and set me down on the bed gently before heading into the bathroom. He came out moments later with a damp cloth and cleaned me up before tucking me into bed and laying beside me, cuddling me and stroking your hair. He pulled away briefly before returning to my side, placing a piece of dark chocolate at my lips which I gladly took and sucked on as he stroked my hair and side, lulling me into a blissful sleep.

I woke up the next morning pleasantly sore and stretched slowly in the almost empty bed. Liam must have woken up before me because I could smell the faint scent of coffee drifting into the bedroom from the kitchen. 

I got out of bed and slipped my robe on before walking out to the kitchen. Liam was  sitting at the counter reading the paper as I walked in. He looked up at me and smiled, and god did he look sexy when he smiled. “Sleep well love?” he asked and I nodded. “Very well. I’m a bit sore today though.” I said, flashing him a smirk. He chuckled in response and sipped his coffee while I poured mine. “Good luck explaining the marks during spa day.” He said with an evil chuckle and I just gasped. I had forgotten about the spa day. “Maybe I’ll just tell the truth and say my boyfriend is a kinky bastard and I like it?” I said, hoping to get a reaction. Instead he just shrugged. “My mum knows, so it won’t be a shock, at least not to her.” He said “Although please tape the reaction of the spa person, that will be priceless” he finished with a chuckle and I couldn’t help chuckling myself.

I ate a small breakfast before heading to the shower. I looked at my back in the mirror, the marks weren’t too bad, more like scratches than anything else. They stung slightly as I washed and shaved. I opted out of makeup as I knew I would be getting a facial while out, and figured I could have my makeup done either at the spa or elsewhere if I wanted to after. 

I slipped on a pair of leggings and another oversized sweater before heading into the living room. I had some time to kill as I wasn’t meeting his mom for another 2 hours. I spent said free time snuggled up  to Liam watching some dumb show before my phone went off, telling me my ride was there. I was meeting his mom and sisters at the spa, and Liam had hired a car to drive us all around for the day. I gave him a kiss goodbye before slipping on my boots and heading out.

The drive was quiet and short, and within minutes we were pulling up in front of a very luxurious looking spa. As I climbed out of the car I heard my name being called and smiled as I spotted Liams sister Nicola standing with Ruth and their mother.  I was pulled into 3 hugs before the 4 of us headed inside. Liams mother gave them her name and  soon after we were ushered into the back.

We got massages first, Liams family not batting an eye at the marks on my back. The attendant seemed slightly concerned but didn’t question it. I was slightly relieved by this as I settled in to enjoy my massage.

After massages it was facials, mani and pedis. For this we were allowed to chat, which I found out Liam’s mother was fond of. “My son seems quite smitten with you.” She said as a lady filed my nails. “I’m quite smitten with him as well.” I said back. “Good. I know what happened with his last serious relationship and it broke his heart.” She said and I let out a sigh. “So do I. We actually ran into Sophia yesterday, she’s a piece of work.” I said in a rather annoyed tone. “She really is. She only dated Liam for the money. We could all see it except him, and he was devastated when she cheated. It was all I could do not to tell him ‘I told you so’. His father didn’t refrain from it though.  It’s why he hasn’t really dated since. And I’m glad he finally found someone who doesn’t care about the money.” She said and I nodded. “He has done so much for me the past few months, and for that I love him deeply. He could have left me to deal with things on my own and yet he didn’t. I don’t know what I would do without him.” I said, meaning every word.

The chat with Liams mom shifted to current events, fashion  and some gossip that I really had no use for. After we were done in the spa we headed out shopping, this time for presents for Liam.  I really had no clue what to get the man who seemed to have everything, that is until we walked past the pet store. I stopped to look in the window, which was a bad idea, because there was the cutest little husky looking puppy there. He just stared at me and I knew I was done.

I walked into the store and found out that they puppy was an Alaskan Klee Kai. He wouldn’t get too big, which was perfect for an apartment. In the spur of the moment I bought the pup , knowing Liam had always wanted a dog but never had the time. I had all the time in the world for the little guy. Liam’s mom and sisters fawned over the puppy, buying him things and his sister Ruth saying he needed to have a play date with her dogs before we left.

It took a bit to convince the driver to let the puppy in the car and in no time I was stepping off the elevator, puppy in hand. Liam had heard the ding and had come to greet me, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw me and the puppy. “I know its early but, merry Christmas?” I said, unsure of what was going on in his head.

** So I finally got more than a page and a half written for a chapter lol. you know the drill, please vote and comment. **

The Last Call {Liam Payne AU  }HIATUSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu