Chapter 9

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Lisa's Pov

School days are now here and we need to prepare for are quarter exams. I'm a little nervous but confident because I studied hard. Well Kookie is still with me. I feel very comfortable with him and it is very fun and I'm not alone.

He is very fun to talk with and I think my feelings increased for him day by day. Everyday he is changing from a cold bunny to a caring one. But he doesn't like me because I'm just a simple, shy and always nervous girl.

He is a higher level than me, he is hot, all the girls are drooling over him. I was thinking about him when a strong pair of arms are holding my shoulders "Hey Lali" He said in a morning voice "oh hi Kookie, breakfast is ready" I said "OMO, I'm excited because my Lali cooked breakfast for me" He said while pouting.

Did he say 'my Lali' the butterflies in my tummy are going wild. My cheeks are burning so I hid in my hand. "Are you blushing Lali?" He asked me, I tried to lie that I didn't know "really?" I asked him. "Come on let's just eat, we are almost late" I said.

"Soo, tomorrow theres no classes right?" He asked me "mhm-mhm" I hummed in response. "So can you come with me in the park?" He asked me "sure, why not?" I said.


He drove me to school because he brought his car.

We arrived at school and thank goodness we are not late because he was so slow when eating breakfast.


It's exam time and all the students are whining because of the exam except for me.

I was on the middle of the exan when someone shouted outside. "THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE!" a teacher said, we all panicked but I didn't. I just simply took my things and the teacher instructed us to go by our partners which is our seatmate so my partner is Kookie. We held each other's hand because our teacher said so.

We all walk out of our classroom with some handkerchiefs on our nose and mouth.

We all went to a safe place which is two blocks away from our school. I remained calm.  I saw Kookie worrying and I just patted his back. It's my first time seeing him worried.

"It's gonna be alright, I'm here with you" I said to him to make him calm. Eww I was so cheesy "thanks Lali" He said and embraced me. I hugged him back and I saw Lia looking annoyed.

I thought we were friends? I pulled out the hug and gave him some candies. "Here it makes you feel better" I said and gave it to him "thanks my Lali" He said and my heart skipped a beat. What are you doing to me Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook's Pov

After that tragedy. We went home. I was still worried about what happened so Lisa held my hand and I felt warmth.

The school announced that the exams will be cancelled and there will be no school after the building is renovated. Yes, more time with my Lali oh gosh, what am I thinking.


Lali was studying while I'm making us some snacks. I made some macarons and I wish she'll like it.

We ate our snack "did you like it Lali?" I asked while she was reading the book and eating "Yea, it's good" She said and she smiled and I showed her my bunny smile.

Lisa's Pov

He showed up his bunny smiel. Oh gosh he's so cute. What are you doing to me Jeon Jungkook, I kept falling for you everday... but you don't like me back. I pinched his cheeks and he chuckled.

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