Chapter 4

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Jungkook's Pov

I was finding Lis after school even though it's time to go home, Jennie Noona went home and check Lis' house if she is there. I searched around the entire school but she wasn't there, suddenly my phone vibrates and someone texted me it's from Jennie Noona.

From: Jennie Noona

She is not at her house!

To: Jennie Noona

I'm still looking around the school

From: Jennie Noona

Okie, I will be looking for other places that she always go but keep looking at school.

To: Jennie Noona

Ok Noona bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)

I put my phone down and I saw a girl with her hair on a ponytail and with bangs crying in the fire exit. I went there and saw Lis "Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked and sat down with her "Nothing" She said while wiping her tears. I know that something happened so I caressed her back "Come on I know there is something, just tell me I'm worried about you, also your Unnies" I said sincerely, "There is this girl who slapped me hard and pour juice all over me, she pulled out my coat and wipe it in the floor but that coat was from my grandma, she died years ago." She said while sobbing, I was so mad of who was that girl who hurt her, "What's Her Name!?" I asked like demanding her H-her name i-s Eunha" She said my eyes widened, it's the girl who is obsessed with me, I already know the reason but I still asked her why.

"Why did she do that to you Lis?" I said "She said that I was a slut that stole you away from her I said we are just friends but she didn't believed me, she said that I was getting your attention" She said, I was like hit with a thousand knives when she said 'friends' "Friends?" I mumbled.

I fixed her hair and hugged her really tight and she was shivering, I think she's scared. "Lis don't be scared, I'm here for you" I said while hugging her. Her head is resting on my chest and I stood up and took her home.

Lisa's Pov

He walked me home after crying and I was so scared to be alone. When he bid goodbye I said "umm Kook?" I said, what was I thinking, he looked at me and "can you uhh stay with me at my house... It's Saturday tomorrow" I said, what the... "Are you still scared?" He asked me and I nodded "okay good thing I brought some things with me let's go?" He said and I just nodded, when he got in I faced palm myself what was I thinking.

It was bedtime he cooked dinner for us and it was amazing. We were about to sleep, btw he'll sleep in the guest room.. we we're about to sleep when I forgot to take my nervousness medicine and I suddenly fainted, he catched me and carried me to my bed. I remembered on what happened with me and Eunha.

"You slut! Your stealing away Jungkook from me!" She said "I'm sorry but I didn't stole him from you we are just friends!" I said "oh come on Manoban I know your flirting with him! You think I didn't noticed, I'm not a fool" She said "oh sorry but your the one who is making yourself fool, your thinking too much, if you won't gonna believe me then don't I don't care, atleast I am telling the truth!" I said when she slapped me hard, she snatched a drink from someone and poured it all over me and she pulled my coat and rubbed it on the floor using her shoes.

"Lis, Lis?" An deep voice said, it was Kook, "are you ok? You we're looking worried while resting" He said, I was "I'm okay, you can sleep now it's already late at night" I said he shooked his head and my eyes widened "nope I'm sleeping with you so if something happens I will just be here" He said and I was shocked.

He went to sleep while I was still in shock. He lift my head and put his arms in my head making his arms my pillow. What's happening, why does my heart is beating so fast, why are you doing this to me Jeon Jungkook?

~~Time Passes~~


"Lis wake up" He said and I woke up "good morning Kook" I said "Kook?" He said and looked confused, I chuckled "it's your  nickname for you" I said and he smirked "ok Lali" He said "is that my nickname you made for me?" I asked and he smiled, he hugged me and my butterflies my tummy are getting wild! "What was that for?"  I asked him, "secret" He said and ran away downstairs "Yah!" I shouted when I saw him cooking breakfast "I didn't know that you're good at cooking Mr. Jeon?" I said "and are you curious about me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes "Just kidding we're friends right and your the first person to taste my dish" He said and I widened my eyes "really, but why didn't you shared it your hyungs?" I asked "I'm not really that opened person but your the one who changed me and your the one who I'm opened to cause I know you'll never judge me" He said my heart beats faster than fastest and my cheeks are burning! I hid my face with my hair and he removed it.

"Are you blushing Lali? Is it because of what I said?" He asked "no, and am I blushing?" I said and he just laughed.

We ate and it was really good. It was a fun time, I wish he can stay with me forever. What am I thinking I got into a fight because of him and I was acccused by being a slut. Whatever I don't care what they say I just want Kook not to be mad at me.


Sorry guys I took long to update cause as I said I have school, sorry if I will not update that much now. I need to focus on my studies or else I'll be dead. Also I have a conforence but I didn't know when so hope ya understand.

Hope you liked this story and if you did then please vote and you can comment your reactions, positive or negative are always welcome. You can also suggest what can happen on the next chapters. Bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)

Author SunnyKiss ☀

But I Still Want You | a Liskook FanFiction [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora