Chapter 1

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Lisa's Pov

Hi my name is Lisa, I'm from Bangkok, Thailand. I moved in korea to study highschool and conquer my dream to become an k-pop idol. My parents agreed that I can live my own life in Korea by myself. My dad is a chef and my mom is a company owner in Canada.

My new school is called Seoul University. It's a really famous school in Korea and all of the idols came here to learn High school.

I am a shy girl with a little bit of anxiety issues but despite my shyness, I can control them, I'm not that shy, to be honest, I really get more confident and comfortable when I'm surrounded with people I know.

It's actually not hard for me to make new friends that's why I'm a bit confident in that way. I may be shy but when it comes to school recitation I'm always participating. If I need to be confident I would. I always take summer class in thailand every summer. I also have a korean language school tutor so I can learn it. I'm a fast learner actually, I think that's one of my talents.


It's Monday, first day of school, I'm excited but also kind of a bit nervous, the thing that I like about this school is we can wear anything, cool right? I woke up at 5:30 am, our school time is 7:30. I took a shower and ate breakfast. I went to the waiting shed of the bus and went in. I looked at my phone for the time and it's still 6:23 in the morning... am I to early?

I arrived at school about 6:45, not much student is  there yet cause it's to early. I went to look at the bulliten board and find my name I'm at Section A. I went to find my room and bumped into a pretty cat eyed girl, I bowed to her and said sorry "I'm so sorry" I bowed and said that sincerely, she looked at me in the eyes "it's okay, let's be friends you seem shy and needs a friend" She said and smiled at me, I was shocked on what she said, how can she trust me so easily? She pulled me to Section A's room rushing. "How did you know this room?" I asked and smiled at me " We are classmates Lisa" She said. I was shocked... again, how did she knew my name? "If you are asking me on how the h*ll I knew your name, It's simple... Source" I was so amazed on her saying that we went to our seats and it's still 7:00 am, coz I was too early.

~~Time Skips~~

"Good morning class, I am your teacher Ms. Shim your adviser, before we start our class I will do your seating arrangement, boy, girl" All of the students were mad and the teacher just laughed.

~~Time Pasts~~

Our seatmate arrangement is done and our science teacher is now here, her name is Ms. Ko, by the way my seatmate is this hot cute guy, I didn't knew his name and I didn't talked to him yet.

Jungkook's Pov

I was with this cute girl, I admit she's cute, she's my seatmate but we didn't spoke to each other yet. I'm not really that talkative person, I just basically talk to my friends and my hyungs and noonas. She seem really shy she dropped her handkerchief on the ground without noticing. I picked it up, "umm, exuse me miss?" I called her miss coz I don't know her  name yet, "you dropped your handkerchief" I picked it up and she looked at me. Her face became red and bowed at me "I'm so sorry!" She said and continued what she was doing, I found it really cute of her saying sorry, like what did she do wrong? I saw her a having a hard time on breathing I was worried but I didn't want to cause any trouble, after that I saw her drink a medicine I was so curious that I couldn't control my mouth "Umm, what was that for?" I asked without realizing I said it, "oh it's a medicine th-that helps me avoid being unconscious because of b-being ne-nervous" She said while shaking, "don't be nervous, I'm not gonna eat you, btw names Jungkook, you?" I asked, it's my first time saying my name to a random girl, well not completely random but... you know what I mean. "Oh m-my name i-is Lisa sir" She said, I was shocked that she called me sir! "No need to call me sir, just call me Jk"

Lisa's Pov

I was so nervous that he asked me why I drank that. "You can call Lis si- I mean J-jk"

~~Time passes~~

School is done and I went home at 4:30, I saw Jk pass me when I was infront of my house, I sneakily peeked on wher he lives and he just lives infront of the house which is 3 houses away from mine. I went in my house and checked my phone, someone ringed the doorbell and opened up my door, It was Jennie Unnie with a guy which looks kinda cute, they look good together. "Oh Jennie Unnie why are you here?" I asked "I just want to introduce you to my boyfriend, his name is Taehyung but I call him Tae" She said, I wondered why she told me that oh well "oh hi, my name is Lisa" I said and asked her why didn't they hold hands in school? "We are actually private, we didn't told anyone even if it's allowed to have relationships in school he is my secret bf" She said I nodded as reply "oop better go now bye see ya tommorow" She said, I bid goodbye and she hugged me. I went inside and thought of how lucky I am for having a new best friend in school and became friends with a guy which I thought is scary.

When I got to my room I can't stop thinking about him, his so cute and handsome also kind, I really thought his a cold person but I was wrong. I learned to never judge a person by it's appearance.

Jungkook's Pov

I can't stop thinking about that girl oh Lis, she's so cute and shy, I think I like her, no Jungkook you just met her your not yet sure of her real attitude. I sighed and thought that I was mistaken of thinking she has a bad attitude, she seems innocent and like an angel, I can't stop thinking about her sweet angelic voice, it's just so soothing to hear. I was thinking about her and didn't know I already drifted to sleep.

~~Tine Skips~~


I was looking for her and she was not at her seat, it's not what you think that I'm looking for her sweet angelic tone and angel like face. After about 5 minutes she arrived panting heavily like loosing her breath anytime soon, she sat down and still panting. She was heavily panting she couldn't get her water to drink, I offered mine and she rejected it, I demanded her to drink it so she did, she thanked me and I smiled at her, she looks cute when she is tired, not still what you think it is, I don't like her... well maybe a part of myself liked her but I controlled my feelings and didn't showed it, it's still to early and I still don't know her that much.

Lisa's Pov

It was time for our assessment test and first was science, it was pretty easy for me coz as I said, I always attend summer class in Thailand. It was checking time and exchanged our papers to check, I looked at his paper and saw his name Jeon Jungkook I thought. After checking I looked at his score and he got 49 out of 50 items. He's so smart I think his my ideal type. "Congratulations, your so smart" He said and I looked at my paper and got perfect! "Thanks, you to congrsts" I said nervously. I was so happy to ace the assessment test. The teacher collected the paper by scores. "50?" I stood up and gave my paper everyone clapped at me "wow! Good job Ms. Manoban" The teacher said, I just bowed to her and to everyone else. "49?" Jk stood up and gave his paper "good job to you too Mr. Jeon" The teacher said and he bowed to all of us "48..47..46..45" Jennie Unnie stood up and so as his secret boyfriend to give their papers, the teacher greeted them and they bowed just like what we did.

~~Time Passes~~

Lunch Time

I only ate by my own, Jennie unnie was doing something so she can't eat with me, I saw Jk approaching me and asked why I am alone, I said that Jennie Unnie was doing something so she didn't ate with me.

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