"To Marry Him." She announced.

"HA! Oh no baby dat not goin work." I said laughing, getting up out my seat and going to stand next to Lauren.

"Baby sit down. We won't be ACTUALLY married. And it'll only last less than 24 hours. Let me explain." She reassured, pushing me backwards on the couch then sitting in my lap.

"We are going to make a fake news story. In short it's just gonna say that Jauregui Corp got caught by the police, blah blah. BUT it's going to also include that the leader was never caught. And that being me I will show up to Brad's house like a Damsel in distress. "Oh Brad, I'm in big trouble and I need you to help me." Blah zeh Blah. Brad is a very passionate person, he's been chasing after me for years. So babe you don't have to worry about him asking for sex, he's gonna ask me to Marry him. And of course I'm going to agree." She explained.

"Brad will probably want to get married right away, Either a small Ceremony or just signing the license. So we'll make a fake license and make it look real, everyone will be fooled and then from on you'd be considered as Lauren Simpson." Camila added on.

Lauren Simpson... EW!

I couldn't help but growl at the thought of her marrying that prick.

"Don't worry babe. The fun part is up. Since everyone will see me as his wife that means I take over half of his business, including the process. While all this is happening, you guys will be stealing the weapons, the drugs, then blowing up everything else. Y/N, this is where you come in. I know how much you like making a scene so I will give you the signal, as soon as we both sign the license, break into his mansion and kill everyone in your way, all ending with Brad. As soon as he dies I will become a widow, take my last name back of course. And then everything him and his father has ever owned will be mine, Illegally of course." Lauren explained.

After a few seconds of everyone processing everything they all agreed.

"You go princess, smart as fuck." I whispered in her ear, causing her to giggle and bring out lips together.

"Damn get a room. Anyways, how exactly will we send this fake news report AND how will we get a fake Marriage license?" Halsey asked, making Lauren pull away.

"Well-", she started off but something hit the front door loudly, followed by a few rings.

She got up and went to the front door, coming back with a Newpaper, passing it to Halsey before sitting back down on my lap.

They all crowded around Halsey, reading the paper together.

"Well damn Jauregui, you work fast." Nas complimented, throwing the paper to me so I could read it.

I read the words carefully and it was just explaining the situation with the police dragging some guys and girls away.

"Where'd you get the pictures from?" I asked, handing the paper to Dinah.

"Photoshop. And I know a judge. Well she's not an actual judge, she's been faking being a judge for a couple years now and no one has noticed. She can sign the license and since she's not a real judge it won't be real." Lauren explained.

"Nice, so when are we gonna be starting this mission?" Normani asked.

"Riiiiight, Now." Lauren said.

Then suddenly from almost every direction men and women in suits broke through the windows, burst through the front and back door, running right to the center of the living room.

As they were all coming in I pulled out two silencer pistols out my back pockets, pointing them at the head of the biggest guy there.

"Babe, I don't know when you got a gun or how you didn't crush it while sitting but put it away. These people are my strongest field soldier members, consider them as my version of the secret service." She explained.

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