Part 20

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Draco met up with Jones and Harry as they were walking down the stairs.

"What's going on Harry? I've heard from some of the cast that Hermione has ran out of the theatre." Draco asked of his fiancé.

"Yeah, Moody told her that Fenrir and Yaxley were here watching us tonight. She spooked and then ran out of the place. But I think that someone is after her." Harry hugged Draco.

"Come on boys. Let's get you safe into the limo so that we can you straight onto the Jet. Your father Mr Malfoy and your parents along with the twins and Tonks are waiting for your arrival." Jones mentioned to the boys and started to escort them out of the theatre into the limo.

Hermione was running down the main High Street in town where she then saw that a tram was just about to leave the platform. Its doors were shutting, and Hermione managed to get on before they fully closed.

The tram set off down the road. Fenrir and Yaxley were getting mad and started chasing after the tram.

"Please, you have to save me. The serial killer is trying to get me. You have to hide me please so that he doesn't get me." Hermione pleaded to the tram conductor.

"Come with me. You will have to hide in the drivers pod. You should be safe in there as the doors are locked from the inside. You will have to keep your head down though and not say anything to distract the driver." The conductor opened the drivers' cockpit door and told the driver what was happening.

"Thank you for this. One of Lord Malfoy's security are looking for me, can you get a message out to him that I am here and safe. I don't know who it is, but please tell him." Hermione thanked the driver as he shut the door.

The Tram Driver had radioed through that they needed the police and gave them the details of what was happening and what tram they were on and where they were currently. The Driver got through to HQ and he had asked them to cut the power off to the section where the tram was currently travelling to. The power was cut, and the tram was in total darkness.

Yaxley and Fenrir were on board the tram that Hermione had managed to get on. It was quite full as there were people on board that had just come out of the pantomime. So, they decided that they didn't want to get their weapons out unnecessarily. They started searching the tram for Hermione.

Some of the kids on board were getting a little frightened as Yaxley and Fenrir started searching looking at every one of them.

"Hermione! We know that you are on this tram, come out and show yourself or someone on board the tram will die!" Fenrir shouted down the tram.

Yaxley grabbed one of the passengers, a blonde female who was just sat down. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of her chair.

"You don't want an innocent child to die do you?" Yaxley shouted.

Hermione couldn't take it much longer and decided to get up and try to save the innocent people that were on this tram.

"Ok I'm here! Please don't hurt anyone here." Hermione gave herself up.

"Well, well well, my girl has decided to give herself up. You are so going to be punished when I get you back to my circle of friends. They have all been asking for you." Fenrir walked up to Hermione and dragged her down to the doors. He pushed her to the ground.

"Just don't hurt anyone please." Hermione pleaded.

"Oh, I won't kill anyone on board this tram, I have what I have been wanting since London not long enough. I'm going first sweet cheeks." Fenrir grabbed Hermione's hair and pulled her head back.


The police have the tram surrounded and had the SWAT team with Fenrir as their target. They had blocked off the main road and cleared the vicinity of all the public, so they didn't get hit by any crossfire.

Lucius, Draco, Harry, Remus, Tonks and Sirius were held back at the tape. They explained who they were and what had happened. Lucius looked on in fright as the girl he loved was in the hands of a rapist. He just wanted Hermione back in his arms safe and sound.

"Fenrir we've don't have no way out of here. We will be shot at on sight. Let's just give ourselves up and live out the rest of our lives in Azkaban Prison Island." Yaxley tried to reason with his boss.

"NO! I'm not going to Azkaban Prison again. It's not going to happen." Fenrir was shaking now.

Hermione saw how nervous Fenrir was becoming. She was going to try and get away from him and try and knock his gun away from his hand.

"Fenrir it's all over for us. Just give it up a, just man up. Lord Voldemort isn't coming back mate; he's gone for good when Potter finished him off years ago."

"No! I'm not wanting to make our old school friends Lord Malfoy suffer as I am currently holding his new love interest hostage here. He would do anything to get her back safely." Fenrir turned around to face Yaxley.

Hermione took her chance and knocked the gun from Fenrir's hand and made a run for it down to the other end of the tram to try and escape.

Fenrir then stumbled around trying to find his gun. He found it and then aimed it at Hermione and then fired two shots at her.

Outside the tram they heard the shots. The SWAT teams then burst onto the tram and then shouted for Fenrir and Yaxley to get down on the ground. The paramedics were escorted on safely as they headed over to the injured party.

Lucius and the others tried to get past the Police tape after the gunshots were heard.

"NO! HERMIONE!" Lucius shouted.

Draco was hugging Harry tightly as was Remus as he held Tonks. Sirius looked up into the dark sky praying that Hermione would come out alive.

The paramedics wheeled out the gurney from the tram and rushed to the ambulance to get the patient urgently to A&E.

The SWAT team brought out Fenrir and Yaxley handcuffed and being led out towards a police van where they would be safely escort them to the High Security Jail that was based in the local town not far away from here as they feared that something tragic would happen.

Lucius started shouting at Fenrir.

"You lose Fenrir, you're going down just like Voldemort did." He shouted.

"No Lucius it's game over. Say goodbye to your beau Lucius." Fenrir shouted back at him. He smiled in glee as he was escorted away.

"No, it's not true. Please be not true." Lucius pushed the police officer away and ran over to the ambulance to see who was on the gurney.

"Please tell me who it is?" Lucius pleased with the paramedics to tell him who was shot.

"Please sir stay back. Let them get to A&E." a policewoman tried to pull Lucius away.

"It's Hermione isn't it? Please let me come with you! I'm her guardian in absentia of her parents." Lucius explained.

"Ok come with us." The paramedic told Lucius.

Draco looked to see his father getting into the ambulance. He went over to one of the police officers to find out which hospital that they were taking Hermione to. Remus radioed through to Tonks so that she could pick them up. Lily and Severus along with Emily, Forlan and Teddy were still in the back of the limo. Tonks told the driver to head down towards the High Street so that they could pick up Draco and the others.

"Something has happened! We need to head to a hospital. Lucius is heading there as we speak." Tonks gave them an update.

"Who is in the ambulance with Lucius?" Lily asked. Tonks went silent and looked down at her hands.

"It's Hermione isn't it? Fenrir has done something to Hermione hasn't he?" Severus was getting worried that his Step and Godson were involved.

"Fenrir shot at Hermione. She had tried to stop him as was going to shoot at an innocent life."

Hermione was sent to the local hospital where Lucius paid for the best care that the hospital could provide. Lucius remained at her side whilst she was recovering.

As If We Never Said GoodbyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora