Part 30

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Draco was just finishing off his final date of his UK Tour 'Draco Malfoy: Live and Dangerous'. He had noticed that someone had traded places within the dancers with solo singing parts. But Draco didn't think much of it. It was his last ever show of his UK tour.

It was the song that Hermione was supposed to sing, but her replacement sung her own song after Draco told his Production Manager that no one was to sing 'As If We Never Said Goodbye' so a replacement song was put into the whole tour.

"Now I give you my lead dancer Justine as she wants to sing you all a song." Draco walked off stage.

Draco went and held his fiancé who was with his mum and Severus.

The introduction of 'As If We Never Said Goodbye' started playing. Draco looked up from holding Harry and looked out to the darkened stage.


"I don't know why I'm frightened

I know my way around here

The cardboard trees, the painted seas, the sound here

Yes, a world to rediscover,

But I'm not in any hurry,

And I need a moment."

Draco and Harry looked out onto the stage to see that it was Hermione singing out on stage, but she wasn't on her own. She was holding a newborn baby.

Lily and Severus also looked to see Hermione holding a baby. They were shocked.

"So that's why she left the tour. She couldn't continue as she was pregnant, but who is the father?" Lily asked.

Draco had tears in his eyes as he looked to see that Hermione was beckoning both Draco and Harry along with Severus and Lily onto the stage.

"The whispered conversations

In overcrowded hallways.

So much to say, not just today, but always.

We'll have early morning madness,

We'll have magic in the making,

Yes, everything's as if we never said goodbye.

We taught the world a new way to dream."

Hermione finished her song with her family around her. She had tears falling freely down her cheeks.

"Thank you to you all." Hermione thanked the Birmingham crowds that were cheering for Hermione.

They moved off the stage apart from Draco who had to continue for two more songs before the Final Finale.

"Lily, Severus, Harry. I would like you to meet Lucius James Malfoy, my three-week-old baby boy." Hermione introduced them to her son.

"Hermione, why didn't you say anything to us? We would have been there for you every step of the way." Lily asked the woman.

"I needed to move on Lily, and I couldn't do that being on tour. Plus, I found out that day that Lucius was killed that I was expecting. I told him as he was dying that he was going to be a father again. I knew the week before he was killed. Plus, I couldn't put this news onto Draco after all he was grieving for his father just like the rest of us." Hermione explained to them.

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