Part 6

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Hermione woke up to feel a cold bed as Lucius had gotten up in the middle of the night and headed to his own bed. She sighed at the coldness that she felt and got up and headed to get ready for the day.

Everyone was at breakfast the next morning. Hermione was the last one to arrive just as the butler Dobby was clearing the breakfast plates.

"Sorry that I am late. Could I just have a slice of toast and some juice please Dobby?" Hermione asked of Dobby.

"Of course, madam. I will be right back." Dobby answered picking up the last of the plates and bowls to take to the kitchen.

Hermione was sat and stared down at the tablecloth. Harry was talking to her, but she was blanking him out by not listening to him.

"What? Sorry, what were you saying?" Hermione then looked up towards Harry.

"Me and Dray are engaged Mione. He asked me before we went to bed last night. I can't believe it." Harry excitedly shared his news.

"Oh right." Hermione answered and started to stare at the tablecloth again waiting for her breakfast.

Dobby arrived with the slice of toast and some juice and placed it in front of her.

"I'm sorry." She then got up and rushed out.

"Did I do something wrong sir?" Dobby asked of Lord Lucius.

"No Dobby you didn't do anything wrong. She's just going through a hard time at the moment. She might find her way to the kitchens at some point, so let her have whatever that she requests." Lucius explained to the butler.

"Yes, my Lord. Oh, and congratulations to you both Master Draco and Master Potter." Dobby left the dining room and headed to help clean up in the kitchen.

Hermione headed outside to get some fresh air. She eventually found her way to the pond that was hidden amongst trees at the end of the gardens.

She had her iPod on her, so she sat at the edge of the pond and started to listen to some of her favourite songs.

The Physio Therapist had showed up that afternoon to go through some of the therapy that Hermione would need to go through to get her shoulder working again.

She showed up to that appointment that was taking place in the studio that Lucius had set up so that Harry could practice any routines that Severus was showing him.

Hermione didn't want to be here and wished that she was somewhere else instead of here stuck going through physical therapy.

Lucius looked on from the doorway of the studio to see that Hermione's heart wasn't there at all.

This "Hermione, I need a favour from you." Lucius asked of the girl who was practicing one of her dance routines for the tour.

Hermione had signed the contracts for both the UK tour and for the Marauders. Lucius, Severus, Lily, Harry, Dray and her parents were all happy that she decided that she wanted to live her dreams.

"What's wrong Lucius?" Hermione stopped and looked up to Lucius.

"I've been invited to this party that's tonight and I would like to ask if you would come with me." Lucius was nervous as to what Hermione would answer.

"I would Lucius, but I have nothing to wear." Hermione answered.

"That's fine. I've set up a spa day for you plus dress shopping as well. All expenses paid for and can't be refunded. The limo is waiting for you outside." Lucius held out his hand.

Hermione accepted his hand and he escorted Hermione to the front doors where Gerard was waiting for her.

"Go and enjoy yourself Hermione on me. I will see you at the party tonight. Gerard will be with you and also take you to the party. See you at 7pm Hermione." Lucius walked back inside.

"Welcome Madam Granger to Indulgence Spa. Lord Malfoy has told us that you are to have a full spa day and then onto Harrods for clothes shopping. So, we have no time to waste, let's go and get you into one of our treatment rooms so we can get started. I'm Sophia and I am to be your therapist for the day."

Hermione had the full works. Manicure, pedicure, massage, hair and skin treatment. Hair coloured, styled and straightened. Make up done with her nails painted at the same time.

"WOAH you have done a great job." Hermione was impressed with what they therapists have done.

"It's our pleasure Miss Granger. Gerard is waiting to take you to Harrods where you will be met by a clothes stylist who will fit you out for the night. Enjoy your evening Miss Granger, and we hope to see you soon."

Hermione hugged Sophia and gave her a £20 tip for having done a fantastic job.

Gerard helped Hermione into the limo and then headed on to Harrods for the last part of the trip.

"Gerard is there any chance that you can call to McDonalds? I'm starving as I haven't eaten all day." Hermione asked of the driver.

"Of course, Miss Granger."

Gerard pulled into one of the Drive Thru's and let Hermione order what she wanted, and Gerard paid for her order.

"It's Lord Malfoy's orders that you weren't to pay for anything today and that was including your dinner." Gerard told her.

Hermione thanked the staff for her dinner, and they headed off towards Knightsbridge.

"Welcome to Harrods. I'm Lydia and I will be your clothes stylist for the afternoon. If you would follow me Miss Granger to the top floor where we shall get you fitted out for this evening." Lydia escorted Hermione towards the lifts where they headed up to the top floor.

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