Part 14

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It was now show night. The lights were down, and auditorium doors were shut. They were ready for the MD to start up the band.

Lily, Severus, Emily, Forlan, Lucius and Draco were sat in the centre of the circle. The Grangers were absent as they wanted to see the pantomime with Charlie's parents and in-laws. The twins were excited that they were going to watch a pantomime and that their own elder brother and his friend were performing.

The music started. Harry and Hermione were watching the opening from the side of the stage. They had their costumes on with their Marauders Academy jackets on over the top with their sweats on over. Hermione made sure that the little skirt of her costume was out and that it wasn't getting creased up. They watched the opening and then headed into the production corridor so that they could get warmed up so that they were well ready to perform their aerial stunts.

The whole night went off without a hitch. It was now the end of act 1 finale. Both Hermione and Harry were now attached to their wires and their sweatpants were off. They kept their academy jackets on right till the last minute.

"Right then show time." Hermione said to herself as she passed her jacket to one of the stage crew.

Harry was on the stage now starting. Hermione was then pulled up onto the stage. They performed with passion in their hearts.

The audience cheered as they finished their stunts and took their bows and then exited the stage both of them given their jackets, so they didn't get cold.

Charlie came straight off the stage and headed into the production corridor as the curtains closed for the end of act 1 scene.

"You were both fabulous tonight. I couldn't stop watching you both. It was great." Charlie hugged Hermione then Harry.

"Cheers Charlie we couldn't have done it without Lord Malfoy and Severus. They made this all possible." Hermione told her best friend.

"Hermione go back home after the pantomime has finished and go on tour with Draco and the rest of them. Live your life to the full. Life isn't a rehearsal you don't get second chances. Plus, also try and get with Lord Malfoy. He seems like a keeper." Charlie smiled at her.

The first night was over, Hermione and Harry got changed in their dressing room. Draco just entered as Hermione was putting her bra back on.

"Draco do you mind; I'm trying to get dressed here. Please go and wait outside you as well Harry." Hermione told them both.

Draco and Harry went out of the dressing room to see Lucius stood there.

"Is Hermione still in there?" Lucius asked of his son.

"Yeah, but she's still getting dressed at the moment. She's just kicked me and Harry out so that she can get dressed. I don't think that she will be long though. See you down at the stage door. Tonks and Lupin will be downstairs waiting for you both." Draco and Harry walked down the stairs where they met Severus halfway down.

"Is Hermione still up there?" Severus asked them both.

"Yeah. Dad is with her at the moment." Draco told him.

"Ok then let's go and meet Lily and the twins. They should be with Tonks and Lupin at stage door." Severus walked down the stairs.

Lucius stayed outside waiting for Hermione to come out. She was taking her time getting ready, so he decided to go in and check up on her. He opened the first door to be greeted by Hermione as she was just locking up.

"Lucius you gave me a fright. What's wrong?" Hermione asked as she turned the lights and heating off.

"Just making sure that you are all right that's all. You were taking your time getting dressed."

"Yeah, well your son turned up as I was getting ready as I thought that Harry had left the room as he was so quiet. You my escort then to the car then?" Hermione giggled.

"Of course, my lady."

"No Narcissa was the lady of the house. Not me I'm just the poor girl who wants to sing and dance the rest of her life that's all."

"You could be the lady of the house if you want to." Lucius mumbled under his breath.

"Why is that?" Hermione had obviously heard him.

"Oh, me and Narcissa are currently divorcing the paperwork has just come back through and she has signed the papers. As of New Year's Day, I am single bachelor again." Lucius explained.

"Oh right."

They stopped talking and Hermione pushed him out so that she could lock up the dressing room and then head on home.

The Grangers were stood at the stage door waiting to see their daughter after her first performance. They wanted to spend some time together as they were heading back down to London with Kingsley Shacklebolt as their security. Lucius was flying them back to Heathrow airport. But Hermione wasn't ready to see them yet as she couldn't face them after what has happened to cause her to run away to Sheffield. So, she turned them down and decided that she was going back to Charlie's home with Matthias.

Tonks and Lupin were waiting chatting to Lily and Severus who were each holding a sleepy twin.

Hermione walked up to them and handed the key back to the security on stage door and then headed out to see loads of media and fans of them both. She was shocked to say the least. Lupin and Tonks both pushed their way through making sure that Hermione got to the limo safely.

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